Plus drone case soars to Michigan's highest court. | View in browser
Institute for Justice updates
Zoning Abuse
Fairytale Farm Animal Sanctuary Fights for Happily Ever After
When Kimberly Dunckel and her family bought their 3.3-acre property in a semirural neighborhood in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, they wanted it to be not only their home but a place that bettered their community. Today, their home is a sanctuary for donkeys, goats, ducks, rabbits, and more, including many with special needs. But now, thanks to Winston-Salem, the sanctuary faces an impossible—and unconstitutional—choice: stop all events and limit volunteers or shut down entirely. The North Carolina Constitution protects the right to use one’s property without arbitrary government interference, so IJ and the Dunckels are fighting back.
For two years, Long Lake Township zoning officials flew a sophisticated drone over Todd and Heather Maxon’s property, taking detailed photographs and videos as part of a zoning dispute—without getting a warrant. Now, IJ and the Maxons are taking the case to the Michigan Supreme Court.
IJ Joins with Scholars to Expose how Police Are “Shielded” from Accountability
IJ hosted an all-day conference featuring renowned qualified immunity scholars, a panel of frontline civil rights attorneys, and a panel of people affected by qualified immunity, including IJ clients.
Washington, D.C., doesn’t have a great reputation when it comes to regulatory red tape. But thanks to IJ’s efforts, it’s finally getting cheaper, faster, and simpler to start a business there.
We’re digging into the Fourteenth Amendment and a super interesting case involving Section 2, the part that lowers a state’s Congressional representation if it abridges the right to vote.
If a sitting senator threatened you with censorship, would it matter what jacket she’s wearing? Although not an issue we discuss this week, it’s related to both of our cases.
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