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Wednesday, May 31 Round Up: Housing legislation continues to advance, 2024 statewide initiative gains momentum, submit a workshop proposal & more!


Critical Affordable Housing Legislation Advances!


Good news from the Capitol! SB 4 (Affordable Housing on Faith Lands Act) has officially passed the Senate floor! SB 423 (extending SB 35 streamlining) has passed the Senate Appropriations Committee and will be heard on the Senate floor today.

Another NPH-supported bill, AB 572 (Haney), is headed to the Assembly floor this week for a vote!

Your Voice Makes a Difference! Show your support for SB 4 and AB 572 by submitting an organizational support letter to the California Legislature:


Game-Changing 2024 Statewide Initiative Gains Momentum!

Overhead shot of Armstrong Place

NPH is working to place on the 2024 statewide ballot a measure that has the potential to unlock billions to help millions of Californians afford housing. This proposal could help local governments and communities meet their housing goals (Housing Element/RHNA obligations) by lowering the voter threshold for communities to pass local housing bonds – provided they include accountability, transparency. and oversight mechanisms to ensure the funds get spent effectively.

These efforts are garnering increasing support from organizations all over the state. More than 100+ organizations representing housing advocates, labor, business and community organizations have attended organizing briefings, helping create the foundation for the broad, diverse coalition we’ll need to win!

For more information about how you can get involved, please contact Sandra Lowe at [email protected].

Opportunity for Transformation at the Regional Level

The Bay Area Housing for All (BAHA) Coalition - which NPH is a member - is organizing support for a 9-county Bay Area affordable housing bond in November 2024. This regional measure could raise billions of dollars for the construction of up to 45,000 affordable homes and serve more than 500,000 Bay Area residents over the coming decades. It would also raise billions for the preservation of existing affordable homes and ensure protection of at-risk tenants.

What’s next? We need your endorsement to win! Please visit our campaign website for more information and to endorse this measure today.


Help Shape the NPH Conference: Submit a Workshop Proposal


The 44th NPH Affordable Housing Conference is happening at the San Francisco Marriott Marquis on Friday, October 6 and we need your expertise to help shape our programming! Submit a conference proposal today.

View submission requirements, including the workshop tracks we’re seeking.

Submission deadline: Monday, June 26 at 11:59PM PT

Please Note: We have capped submissions to three workshops per organization or per person. For workshop proposals to be considered, the organization or individual submitting the workshop must be current NPH members either through individual membership or organization membership. To confirm your membership status, or for any questions about your membership, please contact [email protected].


Upcoming Trainings: Affordable Housing Finance & More

people meeting

Whether you’re an emerging housing leader or looking to shift the narrative on housing and homelessness, we’ve got several opportunities for you to learn and grow with us! Upcoming trainings include:

Calling all Resident Services Staff!
Opportunities designed especially for you, below: 

  • Introduction To Trauma Informed Care, Friday, June 9, 10AM-11:30AM PT Join an interactive training for Resident Services staff that will define trauma, recognize its prevalence, and provide practical guidance on how to implement the principles of Trauma Informed Care.
  • Resident Services Peer Sharing Call, Friday, June 16, 12PM-1PM PT Do you want to connect with other on-site staff serving affordable housing residents in the Bay Area? Do you want to share ideas and learn from your peers? Join us to explore ideas, exchange resources, vent about challenges, grab contact info, and more!

NPH Is Hiring!

Now Hiring graphic

NPH is looking for a detail-oriented and personable individual to join our team as Fund Development & Membership Associate! This individual should be passionate about working collaboratively to improve systems and processes to support member and sponsor engagement and prospecting. The Fund Development & Membership Associate is a full-time employee supervised by the Fund Development & Membership Manager.

Do you know somebody who would be the ideal candidate for this position? Share this open position with your networks!



Do you have an event you'd like featured on the website and in our newsletter? Please complete this form.


June, Chan Zuckerberg Initiative (CZI), Grant Partner Training Sessions CZI continues to support their grantee community with training, consulting and coaching to grow key capacities, and tools and organizational building blocks to unlock greater impact over the long-term.


See Our Full Community Calendar Here

Non-Profit Housing Association of Northern California (NPH)
369 Pine Street, Suite 350 | San Francisco, California  94104
415-989-8160 | [email protected]

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