By reaching an agreement with Republicans, President Biden will be rewarding economic terrorists for holding a gun to the head of the American economy. This disastrous debt ceiling deal would fast-track Joe Manchin’s dirty deal and other fossil fuel projects, make it harder for seniors and our vulnerable neighbors to get food, trigger student debt payments for more than 40 million Americans, and more. Can we count on you to CALL YOUR REP right now and demand they vote NO on this debt deal filled with poison pills. We must take a stand and not give in to Republican’s terrorist tactics that will harm our families, communities, and our climate. Expanding fossil fuel extraction during an increasingly worsening climate crisis is the height of irresponsibility, and we are already suffering from the effects. Additionally, in the midst of an inflation-driven affordability crisis, the last thing we should be doing is threatening our vulnerable neighbors with starving to death by denying food stamps. Enough is enough. Call your member of Congress and tell them we demand a clean debt ceiling bill that doesn’t accelerate the worst crises of our time. No dirty debt deal! When we organize, we win. Our Revolution 