From Population Matters <>
Subject UK pronatalism, a retrospective & Sir Brian May - May Supporters' Update
Date May 31, 2023 4:02 PM
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May 2023 Update

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MAY 2022

Dear John,

This month, we reflect on our activity since 8 billion day and look forward
to the next big event in our population calendar.

Six months have passed since the global population hit 8 billion people, so
we have written up a Population Matters retrospective covering the last
182 days. We also report on some of the recent pronatal rhetoric from the
UK, analyse a new sustainable population study and wish a very happy
birthday to one of our patrons. 

Finally, with World Population Day on the horizon (Tuesday, 11 July 2023),
we have a save the date for you. Read on to find out more.

- The PM team


Busy, busy, busy bees

The 15 May marked six months since the symbolic day we passed 8 billion
humans on the planet. Here’s a run-down of what Population Matters has
been up to in that time (during which we have added over 35 million people
to the world's population).

Read more [3]

Springing into action

International Day of Biodiversity, 22 May, marked the end of Population
Matters’ Spring Action Month. Fundraising Officer, Anthony
Howarth, recaps some of the highlights from the month of fundraising.
Thanks to everyone who got involved! 

Read more [4]

Save the date: 11 July 2023

This World Population Day, we will be holding a webinar on the importance
of education to stemming population growth with a panel of partners who can
speak to their experiences on the ground around the world. We will be
sending out more information very soon!

Let's talk about population!

We have just opened our brand-new campaign materials shop to help spread
the population conversation with leaflets, bookmarks and badges. With World
Population Day coming up, now's the perfect time to put your order in [5]!


Take the politics out of population

The UK’s population is currently projected to rise to 70 million by 2036,
an increase of two million above today’s figure. There is ample evidence
both of the negative impact of population growth on the UK and of deep
public concern about it. 

If you are a UK supporter, please join us in contacting senior UK
politicians and asking them to establish an independent official body to
conduct research and policy analysis on demography, and provide objective,
evidence-based advice to the government, parliament and the public on this

Find out more [6]

What constitutes a sustainable population?

The release of a new report caused a bit of a stir this year. The
Guardian’s headline ran _“World ‘population bomb’ may never go off
as feared, finds study”_, and many people took to Twitter to ask
questions along the lines of, _“What were you worried about?”_.

Earth4All’s _People and Planet_ report is the latest attempt at
modelling sustainable population projections through the 21st century. It
may have caused a number of exaggerated newspaper headlines, but are its
projections of a significant fall in population by 2100 plausible?

 Read more [7]


Happy Birthday, Sir David!

Our patron, Sir David Attenborough, turned an impressive 97 years old
in May. The beloved broadcaster has much to be proud of and it is
probably no exaggeration to say that nobody has inspired as many people to
care about the environment as he has. But it’s not just love for things
furry, feathered and scaled that he’s helped spread. In 2022, our
Communications Manager at the time, Olivia Nater, reflected on his

Read more [8]


Pronatalism in the UK: should we be worried?

The recent National Conservativism Conference attracted a lot of newspaper
column inches for what was a brand-new event on these shores. Backbench MP
Miriam Cates made a bit of a splash with a speech focusing on family values
and the importance of having children. Is there anything to be wary about

Read more [9]

Protect women's rights from pronatal politicians

As part of our Gilead Watch campaign, we are monitoring developments around
the world where governments are using coercive methods to advance their
pronatal agendas.

This has included recent developments in Afghanistan, Italy, Russia, Turkey
and the US. 

Find out more [10]




Humans are amazing.

But our modern obsession with growth and consumption is driving the
climate crisis, is at the expense of other species, and is widening
inequalities across the world.

Please consider donating towards our appeal today and help us continue to
address the issues of population growth in a positive way that prioritises
quality of life across the world.


Donate today [11]

Quote of the month


_"I think probably the greatest single threat to life on the planet is the
over proliferation of us."_

- Dr Brian May, musician, campaigner and astrophysicist (interview
with Metro [12], 13 May 2023)

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