We’ve got more winning to report >>

Three big wins for Democracy Our movement came together to:  Win a massive step towards statewide Ranked Choice Voting in Oregon  ✅ Stop attempts to restrict Ballot Measures in Missouri  ✅Close dark money loopholes and win automatic voter registration in Minnesota RepresentUs volunteers supercharged these victories by contacting voters and taking strategic action alongside local leaders.   These wins wouldn’t be possible without your hard work and dedication to this fight. A win for Ranked Choice Voting (RCV) in Oregon would mark the first time in our nation’s history that a state legislative chamber has passed a bill for RCV statewide! If this gets over the finish line, voters would decide at the ballot box in 2024 whether it becomes law. In Missouri, RepresentUs volunteers helped defeat a bill that would have made passing ballot initiatives nearly impossible, and instituted the highest voting threshold required for initiative passage in the country. This is a big win for democracy in Missouri. The Democracy for the People Act (Bill HF3 / SF3) in Minnesota is the biggest piece of pro-democracy legislation in Minnesota in almost 50 years. This win is a revolutionary package of reforms that shore up our democratic institutions and invite more people to participate in civic engagement. POLITICIANS WON’T FIX GOVERNMENT. WE WILL. We’re hitting the ground in dozens of states and cities this year — winning transformational victories for democracy and stopping corruption in its tracks.  But we can’t do this without you!   The Common Wealth is a community of monthly donors who fuel this work on the front lines of protecting democracy.   Join the Common Wealth today >>


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RepresentUs brings conservatives and progressives together to fight corruption.
RepresentUs, P.O. Box 60008, Florence, MA 01062, 855-585-8100