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Dear Jack,

I hope you were able to read my email last week and had a chance to look at the exciting plans we have for Mississippi.

The Mississippi Center for Public Policy needs you now more than ever. America needs you now more than ever. We have big plans for the next few years, and that's why I'm asking you to partner with us in this critical work.

The work won't be easy, but it is so important, and we can win!

Use this secured link to give your gift and ensure we win!

As a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, we are 100% funded by foundations and individuals like you - individuals who know the importance of research, analysis, outreach, and advocacy. Every dollar we receive is spent wisely to deliver tangible results. That is why, as a small team, we are able to achieve success with national impact! 

We are optimistic for the future of Mississippi because of people like you! 

Become a partner with the Mississippi Center for Public Policy and help us in our efforts to turn the dial in Mississippi! I look forward to working alongside you for the future of the Magnolia State.
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Warm regards,

Douglas Carswell 
President & CEO 
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