This is urgent John.
As I write you, a bill is moving through the Delaware General Assembly that would allow corporations to vote in a town called Seaford’s elections. [1]
Yes, you read that right. Corporations. Allowed to vote.
John, this goes beyond just Delaware. Ever since the Supreme Court ruled in Citizens United that corporations have the right to spend unlimited amounts on our elections, big companies have seized an indefensible amount of influence in our elections.
But this is a greater escalation than I ever thought possible. And if this bill passes – and special interests spread laws like it to more cities, or even whole states, we could soon be living in a country where corporate “voters” outnumber real ones!
That’s why I need your help to shut down this bill immediately and send a loud and clear message that wealthy special interests do NOT belong in our elections.
Delaware’s bill would allow the votes of corporations to dilute the votes of real, live people who actually live in Seaford. What’s more – the bill doesn’t even require business owners to actually live in Seaford, or even in Delaware. You can imagine the disaster this could cause.
You and I both know that Big Money in our politics is already a huge problem. More money should not equal more power to choose who represents us. That’s why Common Cause is pulling out all the stops to kill this bill and rein in Big Money in politics.
As I write you, our team in Delaware is already mobilizing to stop this bill, from lobbying to driving calls and messages to local legislators.
And Common Cause is exactly who you want on this case. For over 50 years, we’ve successfully fought and won victories to get big money out of politics at the local, state, and national levels.
Plus, we’ve passed laws that empower small-dollar donors over big special interests with citizen-funded elections, disclose all campaign money raised and spent, remove the financial barriers stopping everyday people from running for office, and hold elected officials and wealthy special interests accountable to voters.
But John, it’s no surprise that the corporations that would benefit from this bill are fighting back hard. They’re pouring millions into their efforts against us. That’s why I urgently need your support to ensure we have the resources we need to fight back.
Can I count on you to rush a contribution of $3 or more today and stop corporations from gaining even more influence over our elections?
I know that with you by my side, we can keep our elections accountable to the people – not wealthy special interests and corporations. Please let me know that I can count on your support today.
Thank you,
Claire Snyder-Hall, Executive Director of Common Cause Delaware
and the team at Common Cause