My kids finished school last week and spent the weekend welcoming summer (with a lot of help from their dad and me). There was swimming, beaches, barbecue, popsicles, day movies, some naps and barely any laundry. (That will catch up with us.)
And when I woke up yesterday morning, it felt really good to know that our daily morning hustle was, for a few months, over. For kids, summer is a great time to rest and play.
For me and Local Edition, it’s a great time to pause and plan.
So, this will be the last Local Edition of the summer. We’ll return in September.
Pausing publication, even with a little newsletter like this one, feels strange. But, between us, I’ve been struggling with the direction of Local Edition for the last year. Now that I’m in a faculty role at Poynter, it’s hard to find the time to think past the week ahead. I’m grateful for the example a few publications have given our industry about the power of the pause.
In 2021, the nonprofit newsroom The Objective took a summer break to refocus. In 2020, this student publication took a week break.
Whether it’s for strategy or sanity, I’ve always viewed those announcements with a lot of admiration. In a 24-hour-feed-the-beast-keep-the-hamster-wheel-turning-no-matter-what media world, taking a break feels a little bit radical.
So, I’m going to be a little bit radical and follow their example.
Because it’s summer, I want to leave you with some summer reading from our archives and share a few upcoming opportunities.
- Want to bring feature obits back to your newsroom? You can check out my own obits experiment here. Last week was the final edition of How They Lived, my obits newsletter for the Tampa Bay Times, but I’m still writing them each week and was happy to be part of this recent conversation on the craft itself.
- This summer, freelance journalist Omar Gallaga is writing about some of the remarkable projects that came out of the 2022-2023 Poynter-Koch Media and Journalism Fellowship class. The first is about the mutual aid network that journalist Kati Kokal built to help journalists after a layoff. Upcoming stories include a guide for journalists who are introverts, a story about how to make your own city guide and a look at the work of one journalist who is working to make the victims of violent crimes more than a number. You’ll find those stories here.
- Level Up, a six-week virtual course I teach for local reporters, will return this fall with a fantastic group of experts, including investigative journalist Cheryl W. Thompson from NPR, the Wall Street Journal’s Erin Ailworth on trauma-informed reporting and editor/writing coach Maria Carrillo on narrative storytelling. You can find out more here.
- On June 8 and June 15, tune into Beat Academy for two weeks of training to help you better “Understand U.S. Immigration From the Border to the Heartland.”
Ok, that’s it for me. I will see you in September!