Humility Month is Our Name for
From the Desk of Thomas McKenna
Dear Friend,
The atrocious “Pride Month” is upon
us, isn’t it? There is a reason for that name but also an antidote to
it. Let me explain.
It is said that the devil fell from
heaven because he wanted to
be God, but that’s not the
real reason for his fall. He was smart enough to know that that was
not possible. He fell, rather, because he did not want to lose his unique status as heaven’s Top Angel.
Theologians call that unique status
the “singularity” of an angelic being. Angels are such marvelous
creations of God – each one a single, totally unique, unrepeatable
work of art – that some of them decided they would take their show on
the road and make a go of it on their own, without God.
And right there we see the deadly
sin of the apostate angels: Pride. They refused the life of
supernatural grace. They refused the Beatific Vision because they
would have had to share
it with others lower than
themselves (namely, beings of flesh and blood like us!).
We might say that they were so
enamored of their own natural beauty and power that they rejected a
much better offer of fullness of life, beauty, and power from
In a sense, Satan fell from heaven because he fell in love with himself!
Does that not explain the terrible
wickedness we now see displayed at every turn in our society
- People
are simply in love with themselves. Narcissism is the real
- They
have rejected the Christian faith and so have rejected the blessings
of grace that go with it.
- The have
rejected the moral code and have opted for lifestyles that militate
against God’s plan for life, family, and social
- They
celebrate their sickness in the most open ways and then victimize
others with it.
- They
have opted for utter destruction.
Not only that, but government,
business, celebrities, and even sports teams (!) are now joining in
the chorus of destruction.
The so-called “Pride Month” is
well-named. What were once universally recognized as despicable sins
– abortion, sodomy, pedophilia, even open Satanism – are all
celebrated in the most vile and unbelievable manner in the public
forum. Their mockeries of truth, beauty, and goodness are evident to
anyone who has eyes.
It is also said that the devil can
imitate any virtue and twist it to his purposes, but there is one
virtue he simply is unable to abode: namely, humility.
That’s why the virtue of humility
is the real antidote to the devil’s poison spewing forth in our
society. Thankfully, there are numerous ways that Catholics can make a
response to all this wickedness:
First of all, think of the astounding and beautiful feasts the Church
celebrates this month, which imbue our Church with the virtue of
Trinity Sunday (June 4th)
Corpus Christi (June 11th)
The Sacred and Immaculate Hearts (June
16th and 17th)
The Nativity of St. John the Baptist
(June 24th)
Sts. Peter and Paul, Apostles (June
Not only that, but there are at
least seven other feast days of martyrs during June,
who are nothing other than icons of the very humility of Christ
Himself in history.
If we did nothing but go to Mass
faithfully and follow the Church’s liturgical celebrations of humility
this month, we would go a long way to purging such vile hatred in our
culture through the life of grace.
Secondly, we can
pray for these lost souls. Nothing is closer to the Hearts of Jesus
and Mary than to pray and sacrifice for sinners. And I am sure there
is no greater act of charity than to be concerned about the salvation
of souls that are caught in the iron grip of sin.
Thirdly, if we are
able to participate in righteous movements that stand up and combat
the negative forces of the toxic culture, we should do so. God will
bless everyone who does – as long as we remain humble in our mission
and close to the heart of the Church, which alone has the spiritual
power to bind and loose the forces of Satan.
May God bless you and keep you safe
and holy during our month of humility!
Sincerely yours in Christ and Our

Thomas McKenna
Founder and President
Catholic Action for Faith &
P.S. If you
have not had a chance to submit
or update your intentions for June 1st OSH, please take the
opportunity to do so now.