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Nicola Day, deputy leader of the Green group on Peterborough City Council, explains why she and two other councillors are challenging a decision to open a
selective Catholic school in the city. The NSS's No More Faith Schools campaign is mentioned.
Making all pupils take part in religious education classes could see the Welsh Government taken to court for breaching human rights, a legal expert has
A leading provider of abortion care has criticised the Home Office for refusing to introduce exclusion zones after a group of anti-abortion activists
protested outside a north London clinic on Saturday morning.
A survivor of clerical abuse had his settlement reduced by more than one third by the Church of England's insurer, Ecclesiastical, based on the evidence of a
psychiatrist who had never met the claimant, his lawyer has confirmed.
Hundreds of sermons preached by the Islamist cleric who inspired the men who carried out the terrorist attacks in Streatham and on London Bridge in November
are available on a website that allows his followers to communicate in private chatrooms.
A leading imam appointed by Theresa May to conduct a government inquiry into Islamophobia faced calls to stand down last night after he was accused of
questioning free speech.
The Church of England has quietly conceded that it is "natural justice" for heterosexual couples to be allowed to convert a marriage to a civil partnership.
The conviction of France's most senior Catholic cleric for failing to report child abuse has been overturned. Keith Porteous Wood says this should be a
warning to those charged with responding to abuse in the UK.
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