
First off, I would like to formally introduce myself.
I've been working for Independent Women's Forum to spread awareness about the threat to women and girls in sports, and other single-sex spaces, and together we’ve been making great progress in protecting our opportunities and safety. 

After I was forced to swim in the NCAA championships against trans-identifying male athlete Lia Thomas, I knew I had to do something. Not only were my teammates, the other female swimmers, and I forced to compete against this 6 foot 4 biological male, but we were also forced (without our consent!) to share a locker room and undress in front of him. What happened when female athletes complained? We were told to be silent. 

Independent Women’s Forum has taken the lead and is embarking on a massive public education and grassroots activation project that will STOP this outrageous attack on women and we need your help.
I encourage you to stand with us to protect your daughters, sisters, and granddaughters from a future in which women are erased. Please do what you can RIGHT NOW by donating the maximum you can to IWF today. 

Now is the time. We must speak louder!
Thank you for your continued support,
Riley Gaines