we’re hurtling toward climate disaster

Whitehouse for Senate


A recently released report took a deep dive into which states are most at risk due to climate change. Rhode Island — our Ocean State — was on that high-risk list.

As long as the fossil fuel industry can keep pouring money into the denial machine and paying the Republican party to pretend climate change isn’t a massive problem, we won’t make the kind of progress we need to lead the planet to safety.

We have to stop the fossil fuel industry and big polluters from poisoning our politics and preventing Congress from taking action to save our planet. Can you chip in $5 to my campaign before our end-of-month deadline to help me get dark money out of our politics and fight climate change?

It’s not just Rhode Island. Texas, Florida, and California face severe flooding risks while Arizona and other Southwest states will see massive increases in temperatures and fires.

The lives of Americans, entire neighborhoods, and our economy are all at risk.

Can you contribute to support my work to take on the fossil fuel industry’s mischief, which is pushing our planet to the brink?

Thank you,







Paid for by Whitehouse for Senate


Whitehouse for Senate
P.O. Box 40280
Providence, RI 02940
United States

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