Yesterday was Memorial Day.  This is the day our nation expressly sets aside to honor and commemorate those who sacrificed their lives for our freedom. But Gavin Newsom? Even though his “official” Twi

Yesterday was Memorial Day.  This is the day our nation expressly sets aside to honor and commemorate those who sacrificed their lives for our freedom. But Gavin Newsom? Even though his “official” Twitter account made a very politically expedient mention of honoring those who “laid down their lives”, what he posted on his personal account on Memorial Day tells us where this guy’s head really was: on a distasteful cartoon depicting a child having to reach past a bunch of guns to get to books.   How very revealing. See it HERE.

Meanwhile, with the majority of the media tipping so far to the Left that they have trouble even walking straight, we are thankful for the California Globe and writers like Katy Grimes.  She nails it in her recent piece “California Trying to Illegally Restrict Concealed Carry Weapons” – Katy’s always thoughtful and thorough and refuses to parse out comments from the 2A community.  Check out her article HERE and please forward it to all those you know. It’s good reading!  The Globe also makes mention of Newsom's bad tweet.

THANK YOU, THANK YOU to those of you who took the time to check out GOC’s Legislative Action Center – we’ve had some terrific engagement and we will continue to update the site as bills move through the process.  Read how super important this is in our latest piece Grassroots Advocacy – How we Move the 2A Needle HERE.  We will never stop beating this drum because a motivated constituency is how we change the future for the Second Amendment.

Gov Newsom Draws Criticism Following Parisan, 'Tone-Deaf' Memorial Day Tweet | California Globe
Newsom disrespects fallen soldiers as he once again misreads the room.

CA Trying to Illegally Restrict CCW Permits | California Globe
GOC is standing tall against SB 2!

NSSF Challenges CA Law Encouraging Frivolous Firearm Industry Lawsuits | NSSF
Newsom said this law was no more constitutional than the Texas law he was protesting.

CA Sued: On Law That Holds Industry Responsible For Gun Harm | Courthouse News Service
More on the NSSF lawsuit.

GOA Statement on 5th Circuit Injunction on Pistol Brace Rule | GOA
Huge victory! Proud to partner with GOA on this issue.

Newsom Gets Fact-Checked After Politicizing FL Shooting | Breitbart
Newsom is no different from any other wannabe dictator; telling lies to get power.

New Guidelines On Depicting Guns For Hollywood | Bearing Arms
Hollywood is clearly anti-gun at this point…

April 2023 3rd Highest Gun Sales/Background Checks for the Month | AmmoLand
More and more people are exercising their 2A rights…let's hope they vote in 2024 too!

Madness: Violent Felon Gets No Jail Time in CA for Crime Spree | Townhall
The No. 1 killer of children is the Democrats' policies on children, not guns.

Shocking Poll: 88% of Dems Choose Gun Control Over Gun Rights | AmmoLand
Wish we could say this surprises GOC, but it doesn’t…

Biden Repeats False Claim that Guns Are No. 1 Killer of Children | Breitbart
If you tell a lie enough times it becomes the truth. Biden’s number one strategy.

Honoring Those Who Gave Their Lives to Protect Our Freedoms | The Truth About Guns

Here’s What the Ammo Shortage Revealed About the Industry | Outdoor Life
The ammunition industry is scrambling to serve shooters.


Tickets for upcoming GOC fundraising events are selling out!

Oroville Dinner, Friday June 16, 2023

Vacaville, Saturday, October 28, 2023

San Jose, TBD

Go online at GOC or call 916-984-1400 TODAY to get yours!



Gun Owners of California
Gun Owners of California, Inc.
1190 Suncast Ln, Suite 2
El Dorado Hills, California 95762
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