John, are you familiar with AIPAC?

The American Israel Public Affairs Committee is a powerful right-wing lobbying group that has given a platform to antisemites like Pastor John Hagee, who suggested God sent Hitler to hunt Jews, Islamophobes like Steve Emerson, who has spent decades spreading anti-Muslim misinformation, and white nationalists like Rep. Steve King, who… well, you know how racist Steve King is.

AIPAC also promotes fringe Middle East policies like ending the Iran nuclear deal and promoting Trump’s “peace” plan which specifically supports Israel’s annexation policy.

Look, there are plenty of terrible right-wing organizations that support Trump’s racist policies and give platforms to Islamophobes, white nationalists and antisemites sadly, but AIPAC is different: AIPAC is also supported by Democrats.

Every year, a long list of elected Democrats go to the AIPAC conference, court lobbyist donations, and praise their work instead of holding them accountable. And we’re not talking fringe Democrats either; the list includes Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, and House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer.

In 2016, Bernie Sanders skipped the conference. Last year, thanks to aggressive organizing led by our friends at MoveOn, none of the Democrats planning to run for President attended, most of them publicly stating support for boycotting the conference. Now, AIPAC’s conference is happening once again at the beginning of March, only a few weeks away. Right now in 2020, only Elizabeth Warren has committed to not attend.

We’re joining MoveOn, Indivisible, the Working Families Party, and IfNotNow, a vibrant and inclusive movement within the American Jewish community open to any who seek to shift the American Jewish public and our political leaders towards a hopeful vision for Israelis and Palestinians, in calling on all 2020 Democratic candidates to #SkipAIPAC and boycott the conference. Add your name now >>


IfNotNow co-founder, Emily Mayer, makes the case clearly in the coalition statement for the campaign:

“Israel’s decades-long occupation has eroded the bipartisan consensus on Israel and AIPAC, in a last-ditch effort to maintain influence, now anchors an unholy alliance with antisemites, Islamophobes and white nationalists. This unholy alliance shields the Israeli government from any consequences for its actions and pushes for a blank check that has had disastrous effects for both Palestinians and Israelis.”

Maurice Mitchell, National Director leading the Working Families Party, called on all presidential candidates to embrace a progressive vision where all people, including Palestinians and Israelis, can thrive:

"This is a test of moral leadership for the presidential field. AIPAC has given a platform to toxic bigotry and provided cover for right-wing nationalists like Donald Trump and Benjamin Netanyahu."

No Democrat should give AIPAC political cover with their presence. Sign the petition demanding all of the 2020 Democratic candidates for President skip AIPAC’s conference in March.

Democrats are leaders in demanding and working towards peace in the Middle East.

It’s critically important that the next President of the United States understands the importance of refusing to support a conference that gives a platform to right-wing extremism and antisemitic hate.

In solidarity,


Charles Chamberlain, Chair
Democracy for America