Hi there,

This week was a historical one in the Senate. On Wednesday, I joined the majority of my colleagues in voting to acquit President Trump. Here’s why:

Our Constitution makes clear that only a particularly grave act – “treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors” – would justify a senator voting to reverse the will of the voters and remove from office the person they chose to lead our nation.

There is no doubt that the House impeachment process was partisan, political, and denied President Trump his basic due process rights. Time and again, the House demanded that the Senate do things that the House itself neglected to do.

I listened with an open mind to the arguments made by both the House managers and the president’s attorneys. I read the trial briefs submitted by both parties and I listened as both sides answered questions from the Senate.

The Senate heard testimony from witnesses in 192 video segments and received more than 28,000 pages of documents. The House record, including the testimony of 17 witnesses, was placed before the Senate.

Having reviewed this evidence and listening to counsel on both sides, I do not believe the House proved an offense that would justify the grave step of overturning the 2016 election and taking away from West Virginians the ability to decide for themselves in the 2020 election. That is why earlier this week, I voted to find President Trump 'not guilty’ on both articles. As West Virginians have made clear to me throughout this impeachment process, it is time to move on from this partisan charade and instead focus on real issues of importance to the American people.

I spoke extensively on the Senate floor about my decision. Click the image below to watch:


You can also read my full statement on the historic vote here. I also spoke in more detail with Metro News this week.

What’s Next?

Now that this impeachment trial is behind us, I’m ready to get back to work for the American people. I talked to FOX News’ Bill Hemmer about this on Thursday:


Watch my interview by clicking on the photo above or clicking here.

And here are a few more of my priorities for the months ahead:

Before impeachment came to the Senate, we were actually getting work done. Read more about that work in my op-ed with the Bluefield Daily Telegraph here.

The State of the Union

On Tuesday, I attended the president’s State of the Union address. There were several touching moments, including recognizing one of the last surviving Tuskegee Airmen and reuniting a solider with his family.

President Trump delivered an important message to remind the American people of the significant progress we’ve made since 2016, while also outlining a clear vision to continue building on this momentum. Thanks to President Trump’s vision and pro-growth policies, our economy is booming, our unemployment rate is at a 50-year low, and we are creating more opportunity for all Americans. More importantly, millions of Americans who felt neglected by the policies of the previous administration are no longer forgotten, and there is a renewed sense of optimism that is evident all across West Virginia. Click here or the image below for more.


In Case You Missed It

At the end of January, I went to the White House to stand alongside President Trump as he signed the United States-Mexico-Canada (USMCA) trade agreement. When then-candidate Donald Trump was running for office, he promised he would update the outdated NAFTA, which cost West Virginians hundreds of jobs in the manufacturing industry.


West Virginia had $1.5 billion worth of exports to Canada and Mexico in 2018, and this much-needed revision ensures West Virginia manufacturers and transporters are treated fairly, and robust economic growth continues in North America. President Trump kept his promise that he would improve the outdated NAFTA and put American workers first, and the USMCA does just that. While I was at the White House, I was so glad to see West Virginia Commissioner of Agriculture Kent Leonhardt and West Virginia Farm Bureau President Charles Wilfong who also made the trip to Washington for this exciting event.


I am a member of three of the six committees that USMCA went through in the Senate before coming to the Senate floor for a final vote. Those committees include the Appropriations Committee, the Environment and Public Works (EPW) Committee, and the Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee. I was proud to be a part of this process, and I was even prouder to stand alongside President Trump as he signed this critical agreement that works for West Virginia—especially our auto, chemical, and aluminum industries. Click here for more.


Calling All Students!

Please let any student you know that applications for my summer internship program—in Washington, D.C. and Charleston—are now open!


  • Session I: May 18 – June 26
  • Session II: June 29 – August 7

All applications are due March 27. Apply here: https://bit.ly/39T2byE

How Can We Help?

Whether you need help with a casework issue or have a question about scheduling a meeting at one of my offices, my staff and I are ready to assist you. Learn more about the services we offer at www.capito.senate.gov.

You can also submit your feedback and share your stories with me by visiting my “Share Your Stories” webpage here: www.capito.senate.gov/ShareYourStories.

Join me on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for regular updates and photos.


Shelley Moore Capito
United States Senator