Please join our Zoom call this Saturday, June 3rd at 10 AM.
Tom Rubin will do a presentation and lead a discussion on Electrification. We will also have updates on the 2023 Legislative Session and provide time for members to report local issues that would be of interest statewide.
Please help fund this month's activities. Please donate here if you can.
Bills have started receiving committee assignments in the 2nd house. Remember, your 1st house position letters do not carry over to the 2nd house, so you should start preparing your second house portal letters. We have sent many position letters through the California Legislature Position Letter Portal. You can see and download all of our position letters to date here.
Here are some resources for you to use during the legislative session. These are also linked on the Livable California Website under the menu item “2023 Legislation”:
Help us continue to lobby for good bills and fight bad ones for you, while keeping you informed and involved. The best way for us to be sustainable throughout the year is to have enough monthly contributors. $20 or $50 per month from enough new monthly contributors will really help our sustainability. Become a sustaining member with a modest monthly donation. If you can't become a monthly contributor, please send a spot contribution to help the cause here.
If you have previously attended our teleconferences, use your previously assigned zoom link. We resend those on the day before for your convenience. Please don't share your unique link.
First-time attending? You must RSVP at this link. Questions about attending? Email us at: [email protected].