
As I travel throughout the district and talk to friends along the way, I continue to hear that Sam Liccardo is taking steps to run against me next year.

Elections are about choices and I am ready to put my record of work up against anyone else's -- and I am confident I will win. But I can't take anything for granted. For the first time in a long time, I have to really focus on raising funds that I'll need for my own race.

It's not what I want to be doing right now -- I hate asking for help for myself -- but there's no getting around it right now.

We are quickly coming up against the month-end reporting deadline and still are a ways from where we need to be to stay on track. If you can contribute anything today to help, it'll go a long way to get us that much closer. I'd be very grateful -- and I promise to put it to good use. Here is the link if you choose to help: 

Thanks for all you're doing,



Congresswoman Zoe Lofgren is a strong fighter for California’s values in Washington. As the Chair of the California Democratic Congressional Delegation, she has been on the front lines of expanding and protecting the Democratic Majority. Zoe has dedicated her career to fighting for our diverse communities and needs your help. Click here to donate to Zoe’s campaign →

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Lofgren for Congress
PO Box 913
San Jose, CA 95113
United States