Episode 158 uploaded May 28: Sam Goldman talks with educator Michael Vavrus, professor emeritus at The Evergreen State College, about his new book Teaching Anti-Fascism: A Critical Multicultural Pedagogy for Civic Engagement. Coco Das comments on the official start of the contest between Ron
DeSantis and Donald Trump for top dog fascist as well as the fascist
persecution of the courageous Indiana abortion doctor Caitlin Bernard.
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Dr. Michael Vavrus: Anti-fascism
seems to be ignored and there's a discomfort with the word fascism…My
approach has been to talk about elements of fascist politics…The
Republican Party, for example, is consolidating the elements of a
fascist Party. They are not opposed to undermining democracy to get
their one way view out there…My purpose was to get educators who
perceive themselves as progressive to speak out and acknowledge what is
happening in their communities, in their state legislatures and
nationally, and not to wish it away.
Coco Das: The Indiana Attorney General's months long harassment of Dr. Caitlin Bernard has come to a head. Dr. Bernard performed an abortion on a 10 year old rape victim after Roe fell and spoke out about it -- not revealing any confidential patient information, but courageously shining a light on the cruelty of abortion bans. Jessica Valenti, wrote, "A.G. Todd Rokita has been using the power of his office to harass and punish Dr. Bernard under the guise of caring about the girl's privacy. Incredible for someone who wants to force a 10 year old to give birth to argue that the doctor who treated her is somehow the issue. Now the Indiana Medical Board disingenuously ruling that Dr. Bernard violated her patient's privacy slapped her with a $3,000 fine. It wasn't a total victory for the Attorney General. He didn't succeed in getting her medical license revoked, for example, but it is still a check mark in the fascist playbook. Another mechanism for silencing and shutting down any opposition to or defiance of fascist dictates."
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Posted May 22 about Refuse Fascism, the podcast:

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