We wanted to make sure you saw this.

Ilhan for Congress

Hey there — we wanted to make sure you saw Ilhan's note from this weekend about tomorrow's end-of-month fundraising deadline.

Ilhan doesn't take a cent of corporate PAC money, and the only way we fund this campaign is together. So please, read Ilhan's note below and if you can, chip in $5 to support our movement — every donation means so much in our fight for justice.


Friends —

I'm reaching out this morning to humbly ask you to contribute $5 to my re-election campaign. Let me explain:

As you might already know, I don't fund my campaigns for Congress the same way that a lot of my colleagues in Washington do.

Instead of relying on corporate PAC money and max-out checks from the wealthy and powerful, we do things a little differently — we count on lots and lots of small-dollar contributions made by grassroots donors, from all walks of life and from all across the country.

That means I cannot do this alone.

If we're going to have the resources necessary to fight back against the bigoted, targeted attacks the right wing will throw our way, we have to be ready, even this early in the campaign cycle.

So from time to time, I have to ask. And with just a few days to go until our end-of-month fundraising deadline, today is one of those days.

So please:

Can you make your first contribution — of $5 or anything you can — to stand with our people-powered campaign today? Every donation, no matter how big or small, means so much in our fight.

If you've saved payment info with ActBlue Express, your contribution will go through immediately:

As always, thank you for everything. Not just for the donation you make today, but for your passion, your encouragement, and for all that you bring to our movement's fight for justice.

In solidarity,

Ilhan Omar



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Ilhan is counting on our people-powered grassroots movement to fund this campaign. If you can, stand with us by making a contribution today.

Ilhan for Congress
PO Box 33079
Washington D.C., 20033