Friend: Washington Republicans just launched a massive, misleading attack ad campaign against me and other House Democrats – and they are targeting voters in my district. I’ll explain more in a moment, but first: This smear campaign is nothing short of a political stunt intended to deceive Southwest Ohioans – and could be costing us votes in the next election as we speak. Can you rush a split contribution between me and Future Form PAC before the end of the month to help us fight back? If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:
It couldn’t be more clear that extremist national Republicans are prepared to do whatever it takes to defeat us in 2024, even if it means spreading misinformation throughout the district. The GOP’s bad faith attempts to distort our message and distract from their own dangerous, reckless agenda are only going to intensify as we inch closer to 2024. That's why we can’t allow these attacks to go unanswered. We flipped this district blue in 2022, but it was a tough race. If we don’t correct the narrative quickly, we risk losing our edge over this critical swing seat in the next election. Your support means everything to me. Thanks so much. – Greg Landsman (OH-01)