From Tasmiha, <>
Subject Tell Congress now: We need to address the youth mental health crisis!
Date May 30, 2023 3:21 PM
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Congress must address the youth mental health crisis! When you click,
you’ll automatically sign on if we already have your information.
[ [link removed] ]Take Action Now
[ [link removed] ]SIGN NOW

Dear Friend,

Last year, 42% of high school students reported persistent feelings of
sadness or hopelessness, while 29% reported experiencing poor mental
health. [ [link removed] ] This is a national crisis!

While we are delighted that President Biden announced steps to improve
access to mental health care, we still need Congress to act! [ [link removed] ]

[1]Quick signature: Tell Congress to address the mental health crisis for
our youth across the United States! When you click, you’ll automatically
sign on if we already have your information.

What’s happening? The mental health crisis among children and adolescents
was exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic, and it also highlighted the
vulnerability of the mental health safety net system. It’s absolutely
clear that the need for mental health screening, diagnostics, and
evidence-based therapeutic services for families and children from infancy
through adolescence is greater than ever. However, the United States was
already failing to meet these needs even before the pandemic, especially
for youth of color. [1] 

But have no fear! There’s a way to change this issue so that our
children’s mental health has a brighter future. Let’s urge Congress to act
to address the youth mental health crisis. 

[2]Sign on! Life-saving and life-sustaining measures should be readily
available to children and their families. Click here to tell Congress to
act now to address the youth mental health crisis!

From infants to teenagers, their social-emotional wellbeing and mental
health has the potential to set them on a positive trajectory for success
in school and life. 10-16% of very young children experience mental health
conditions, and those numbers are even higher (22%!) for babies in
poverty. [ [link removed] ] Yet we know that by giving children the support they need
early in life it benefits children, families, and communities. We can and
must do better. 

Family dysfunction, school expulsion, poor academic performance, school
disengagement, juvenile detention, substance use disorder, unemployment,
and suicide are all consequences associated with untreated and undiagnosed
mental and behavioral health disorders. [ [link removed] ] These conditions can be
further amplified with racial and economic disparities. [ [link removed] ] Thus, we must
urge lawmakers to ensure no one is left behind in this mental health
crisis and that they are readily able to access the treatment they need!

[3]*Sign on now! Tell Congress to address the youth mental health
crisis! When you click, you’ll automatically sign on to our petition that

Dear Member of Congress,

Everyone should have access to mental health services they need,
especially our youth. We urge you to address the crisis that our children
are facing. 

To effectively address the ongoing crisis in child and adolescent mental
and behavioral health, a coordinated and sustained approach is necessary
for the well-being of our country. Collaboration among federal agencies is
also essential in establishing a comprehensive system of care to address
mental and behavioral health needs for infants, children, and adolescents
across the continuum. Specifically, they should include the following

* Accessibility: Mental health services should be accessible to
everyone who needs them, regardless of their location or
socioeconomic status.
* Inclusivity: Outreach programs should be inclusive of diverse
communities, taking into account factors like language, culture,
and identity.
* Collaboration: Mental health outreach efforts should be
collaborative, involving a range of stakeholders, including mental
health professionals, community organizations, and government
* Evidence-based: Outreach efforts should be grounded in
evidence-based practices that are proven to be effective in
supporting mental health.
* Person-centered: Mental health services should be tailored to meet
the individual needs and preferences of each person, recognizing
that mental health is a complex and multifaceted issue.

To truly ensure our children and families are able to get the treatment
they need when they have mental health issues, we need your support. We
urge you to take action to address the mental health crisis!

[4]Don’t forget to sign on! Our nation can be in a significantly better
place if our youth are taken care of. Lives are at stake. We cannot
continue to have a mental health crisis for our children and families. We
need Congress to take action!

The more people who speak out, the bigger our impact. Please take a moment
to forward our action link to your friends and family and share our action
link on social media: 

Together we are a powerful voice for the health of families.

- Tasmiha, Felicia, Donna, and the whole & MamásConPoder

P.S. Do you or someone you know have trouble accessing mental health
services for your children or teenagers? [5]Please share your story with

[1] CDC, YRBS Data Summary &
Trends [ [link removed] ][link removed]
[2] The White House, Fact Sheet: Biden-⁠Harris Administration Announces
New Actions to Tackle Nation’s Mental Health
Crisis [ [link removed] ][link removed]
[3] ZERO TO THREE, Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health
[ [link removed] ][link removed]?.
[4] US Department of Health and Human Services, Substance Abuse and Mental
Health Services Administration Behavioral Health Workforce Report 2022.
[ [link removed] ][link removed] 
[5] Child and Adolescent Mental and Behavioral Health Principles, CAMH,
[ [link removed] ][link removed]


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