Hey John,
Happy (almost) Pride! The best month of the year is here, but it's also been one of the worst years for LGBTQ youth. Toxic attacks and policies from school boards to state legislatures are happening so fast we can barely keep up. And to put it plainly: young people are pissed!
Let's focus that rage on action! Sign up for our Act Out! training series this Pride Month. Every week, our expert organizers will bring you another training on an important organizing principle, and help you apply it to your town, school, campus, or state.

It all starts here this Thursday, June 1st, with a little Organizing 101. You can come to one or as many trainings as you'd like. Check out the schedule below:
Thursday, June 1st, 5:30pm EST: What do you want? How to Demand Change for LGBTQ Youth and Win
Tuesday, June 6th, 5:30pm EST: State Policy for LGBTQ Rights
Thursday, June 15th, 5:30pm EST: Speaking Out for LGBT Rights: How to testify in spaces happening about us, without us
Thursday, June 22nd, 5:30pm EST: Our Safety is in Our Hands - LGBTQ Organizing Under Restrictive Policy Environments
Thursday, June 29th, 5:30pm EST: Putting It All Together: Training Review, FAQs, and Planning A Campaign for LGBTQ Rights in Your Community
Swipe through and share our IG posts about all the trainings here — the more supporters at these trainings the better!
See you Thursday! In Solidarity,
Angela, Armonte, Emily, Emma, Kinjo, Geoff, Ramish, and the Act Out! Organizing Team
Advocates for Youth