TRUMP CAMPAIGN MANAGER: “[The] Budget in all of 2016 to win Minnesota for the Trump campaign was $35,000. Now it's tens of millions

Did you see this, John?

The Trump campaign came within 1.5 points of flipping Minnesota red in 2016 while spending just $35,000. The “tens of millions” they're spending this year could more than put them over the edge.

To put it bluntly, Minnesota is a must-win state for Democrats if we’re going to take back the White House. If they succeed, it’s game over.

Our mid-quarter deadline is coming up on February 15, and we’re way behind our $15,000 budget target. We need to pick up the pace ASAP.

There’s no room for error. Will you make a contribution of $5 or more to help us get there so we can support our allies and keep Minnesota blue?

Thank you,

Kate Dobson
Campaign Manager









Prepared and paid for by the Keith Ellison for Attorney General committee, PO Box 80824, Minneapolis, MN 55408

We are prohibited by campaign finance law from accepting contributions from lobbyists and political committees during the regular legislative session.

Keith Ellison for Attorney General
PO Box 80824
Minneapolis, MN 55408