February 2020
Last year, we awarded a mini-grant for Wolf Discovery, a five-day after school program introducing students to the history of wolves,their biology,ecology,and endangered status.

Darrin Moret led the program which included a trip to the  Wolf Conservation Center in South Salem, NY.  Upon completion of the
program, fifteen students formed an opinion regarding wolves and their role in the ecosystem based on facts and lessons learned, rather fables, folklore and stories handed down from one generation to another.

At the beginning of the program, students were given a questionnaire and were asked:  How do you feel about wolves?  One student replied, "To be honest, I feel wolves are sometimes blood thirsty monsters" another "Scared...they kill people" yet another said, "I sometimes get nervous".

Following the program, they were asked the same question but the three of the four students responded differently:  "I feel safe because I know they are scare of us"; "Good, because people are working to get their population up"; "Wolves are huge".  A fourth little girl admitted she was still a little "scared" but wrote that she will make a power point to teach others about wolves.

Thanks to volunteer, Tristan Adler, the National Wolfwatcher Coalition is now active on Instagram.  You can find us by searching wolfwatcher_coalition Tristan has posted many cool photos of wolves.  Here is one taken by him!
Photo credit Sandy Monville
By now, you have probably  heard that Idaho Department of Fish and Game has proposed significantly expanding year-round hunting, trapping and snaring of wolves.

If you haven't commented yet, there is still time, but you only have until Monday, February 10, 2020.  It is quite simple to let IDFG know that you DO NOT SUPPORT their proposals.  Let them hear you howl!

For talking points and how to respond to the questionnaire
Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks is recommending changes to the wolf hunting and trapping seasons in Region 1 (northwest Montana). The Montana Fish and Wildlife Commission will consider these proposals at the February 13 meeting.

CLICK TO READ THE PROPOSALS  Sent comments opposing these plans to  [email protected] 
On Jan. 6, the Colorado Secretary of State's Office qualified the Rocky Mountain Wolf Action Fund signatures placing the restoration of wolves on Colorado's 2020 statewide ballot.  

Coloradans will decide whether to reintroduce wolves to the state.  The bipartisan research team of Lake Research Partners and
New Bridge Strategy recently completed a survey of voters throughout Colorado to assess their views of wolf restoration.

The statewide study found that two-thirds of likely voters say they favor restoring wolves in Western Colorado, while only 15 percent oppose it. 

But, this is where things get ugly. Mesa, Garfield and Moffat counties also have passed nonbinding resolutions stating their opposition to the reintroduction of wolves. Groups, individuals and lawmakers  are voicing opposition.   
It is up to us to combat the anti-wolf forces and their on-going efforts to weaken support through misinformation.

Advocate for wolves in Colorado by submitting a letter to the editor or get involved with the campaign.  If you are a Colorado resident, attend a County Commissioner meeting and voice your support.  Wolves are essential and they need your help.
Without YOU, our loyal supporters, the National Wolfwatcher Coalition would not exist.  We are appreciative of your support throughout the past years and look forward to your continued support in the future! 

For the latest scientific information, please visit OUR WEBSITE and while there, you can shop at OUR STORE
Our mission:  
We 'educate, advocate, and participate' for the long term recovery and preservation of wolves based on the best available science and the principles of democracy.  We:  
  1. Educate the public about the important role that wolves play in maintaining healthy ecosystems
  2. Inform the public about challenges to wolf recovery
  3. Support measures that promote peaceful coexistence with wolves on the landscape
  4. Educate the public about the issues in all regions and ways it can effectively participate in the democratic process to promote science-based decision-making about wolves.
All donations, no matter the amount, will be appreciated because they will enable us to: 
  • Provide educational programs, materials and events
  • Participate in conferences, seminars, and consultation with other professionals in the fields of wolf biology, research, conservation, eco-tourism and environmental law.
  • Secure a Wolfwatcher Legal Fund to sustain potential engagement in litigation that challenges local, state and/or federal policies that affect wolf preservation.
To DONATE online, please click the link below.

To donate by check or money order,  please send your donation to our business office at: National Wolfwatcher Coalition, PO Box 161281, Duluth, MN   55816-1281

National Wolfwatcher Coalition

[email protected]
National Wolfwatcher Coalition, PO Box 161281, Duluth, MN 55816-1281
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