URGENT ACTION NEEDED: The EPA might approve BEE-KILLING pesticides for the next 15 years -- putting vulnerable pollinators at high risk of EXTINCTION! Act now!
Strawberries. Melons. Tomatoes. These are just a few of the fruits you might have had on the table this Memorial Day. But did you know that you have bees and other pollinators to thank for these delicious summer staples? That’s right, Friend -- from apples to summer squash, your table would look BARE without bees.
But we’re losing bees at ALARMING rates. And losing bees could also mean losing some of your favorite foods -- in fact, almonds wouldn’t even exist without bees!
A key driver in their decline is bee-killing pesticides called neonics, which have made U.S. agriculture nearly 48 TIMES MORE TOXIC to bees in the past two decades. And the EPA could APPROVE bee-killing neonics for another 15 YEARS. Please, sign your name NOW and tell the EPA to STOP the use of these pesticides before it’s too late for bees!! >>
Neonics don’t just hurt bees, Friend. As it turns out, the pesticides are found on the food you eat and CAN’T BE WASHED OFF. Neonics have been linked to health impacts like birth defects of the heart and brain, hormone disruption, and autism.
If the EPA approves neonics for another 15 years, it will be putting Big Ag’s profits above our pollinators and ecosystems and threatening our health and food supply in the process. Bees can’t afford to wait 15 years -- and neither can we. We need to ACT NOW to save vulnerable pollinators. Please, Friend, will you sign your name immediately to stop neonics from KILLING bees and other pollinators? >>
Thank you for taking urgent action for pollinators,
Friends of the Earth