Mondays of Meaning

May 29th 2023 | Dr. Jordan B. Peterson
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This week, I dive into why we should become better people, why we must be more conscious of our decisions, and why responsibility must be a part of that. Then, I discuss Missouri senator Josh Hawley's new book, “Manhood". In the archives, I explain why you do not need to be afraid of dying. 


We Must Become Better People

The fact that I really love my family members, and then my community around them, in some sense, is also why I am not so positively predisposed to anything I see outside of that which I think might disrupt it. We need some sympathy for that proclivity, and we need to understand what we do about it now in the modern world, where it is doing more harm than good, because maybe we do not need to be parochial in that sense, like we were in the past. Perhaps we cannot afford to be because we are so technologically powerful now that the tendency to demonize the out-group member will destroy all of us if we do not figure out how to get it under control. The reason I wrote “Maps of Meaning,” essentially, was to figure out how you get that under control as an individual. That took me deep into religious work and religious morality, I would say. 

I think the answer to the question of that problem is that we have to become better people. We have to become more conscious. We have to become more conscious of our ethical obligations. We have to become more conscious of the nature of good and evil, to put it bluntly. We have to bear the ethical responsibility that our powerful technology demands. 

Last year, Jordan Peterson joined forces with DailyWire+. Since then, he’s released new shows including: Dragons, Monsters, and Men; Marriage; Logos and Literacy; and his 16-part series Exodus – the long-awaited follow-up to his Genesis Biblical Series.

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A Recent Article

Sodom And Gomorrah

We do not know what has happened in Sodom and Gomorrah, but we know that God’s got wind of it, and that is not good. We know that sin means to miss the mark, and so we know that whatever has happened in Sodom and Gomorrah means that something about the natural ethical order of things has been seriously violated. 

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This Week On The Podcast

Responsibility As Antidote To Despair

Dr. Jordan B. Peterson and Missouri senator Josh Hawley discuss his new book, “Manhood,” and break down the importance and depth of the biblical ideals that have shaped society - and particularly the west - in a historically unprecedented manner.

From The Archives

Here's Why You Shouldn't Be Afraid Of Dying

When asked about death on tour, I explained why you should not be afraid of dying — and why I am at peace with it. 

Thank you for reading, 

Dr. Jordan B. Peterson
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