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Hi John, 

Today, as we honor the brave men and women who lost their lives in service of our country, we also honor those they left behind. Mothers whose sons and daughters never came home. The fathers, the brothers, the sisters who will always have a place missing at the dinner table. All those whose loved ones' memories are honored today.

We honor them by continuing their fight. By fighting fascism here as they fought and died to defeat it abroad. By fighting to protect our freedom and rights here as they fought and died to protect freedom and rights around the world. By fighting to protect the right to vote in our country as so many fought and died to keep our country together.

We fight so that their fight lives on. Because we haven't forgotten them — or the democracy they left to us to continue defending.

Wishing you and your loved ones a happy Memorial Day,
Nancy Thompson, Founder
Mothers Against Greg Abbott

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