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Monday, May 29th, 2023


Purging the Media

Lew Rockwell

Woke Melodrama

Restoring Truth

Victoria Nuland Inciting WWIII With Russia

Helena Glass

Bill Gates-Funded AI Chatbots Promoted Covid Vaccines

Igor Chudov

America’s Most Dangerous Cities

Dave Jefferson

We Have a Debt Limit Deal in Principle, It Doesn’t Do Much

Michael Shedlock

JPMorgan Chase and Jeffrey Epstein Were Both Involved in a Strange Offshore Company Called Liquid Funding

Pam Martens and Russ Martens

How the West Was Lost… Kiev Regime Pimping Russian Oil and Gas Is Ultimate Grift that Spells Downfall for Western Backers

Strategic Culture

Most Propaganda Looks Nothing Like This

Caitlin Johnstone

Just Say No to Statins

Dr. Joseph Mercola

Welcome To The Apocalypse

Alexandra Bruce

Latest Attack on Christianity: Forgiveness Is Bad, a ‘Religious Construct’

Selwyn Duke

Political Theatre

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