URGENT ACTION NEEDED: Don’t let plastics KILL any more baby sea turtles! Sign the petition NOW >>
Today is the big day! You’ve been in the warm sand waiting to hatch where your mama laid her eggs. And now, you and your hatchling siblings are ready to venture down to the ocean for the very first time.
You’re just a tiny little creature, so you must be careful not to get trapped in the GIANT MOUNTAINS of plastic debris that are covering the beach. Otherwise, you could DIE before ever even setting your tiny shell in the sea!
Great job, Friend, you made it! Now, the next challenge is navigating the water for food... Look out! It’s not a predator, but a plastic bag that could entangle or suffocate you to death.
Is that a jellyfish you see ahead? Yummy! Excitedly, you flap your baby flippers and swim over to take a bite. But as soon as you swallow it, something isn’t right. You’re having trouble breathing. The piece is stuck in your little throat and you begin trying to hack it up to no avail. You’re in pain now, panicking and flailing your small body around underwater. You have accidentally eaten a piece of PLASTIC, and soon, you will CHOKE TO DEATH.
Not that happy ending you were hoping for on your big day, huh, Friend? Sadly, this is the reality for too many baby sea turtles and other marine animals who are mistaking plastic for food.
Plastics are overrunning our oceans with an entire garbage truckload ending up there EVERY MINUTE. In fact, scientists predict there will be more PLASTIC THAN FISH in the sea by 2050! Marine animals are DESPERATE for help, and they’re counting on activists like you today, Friend. Don’t let baby sea turtles keep dying. Sign the petition to STOP plastic pollution NOW! >>
Look, Friend, it’s not just sea turtles who are suffering from the plastic crisis. Ocean pollution KILLS OVER A MILLION MARINE CREATURES per year.
And plastic production itself is harmful to the entire planet. Industrial plastic factories, which in many cases are located in low-wealth and BIPOC communities, burn through fossil fuels, emit massive amounts of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, and release toxic pollutants that end up in our water, food, and air supply.
But the federal government has FAILED to hold Big Plastic and their friends in Big Oil accountable for the environmental destruction caused by plastics and for putting marine life, people, and the planet at risk. If we don’t do something to curb plastic pollution soon, we’ll be facing a PLASTIC APOCALYPSE!
Please, Friend, we’re counting on you to do your part before plastics completely pollute the Earth and damage life as we know it. We need 5,301 more signatures by MIDNIGHT: Will you add your name NOW to tell the Biden administration that we DEMAND bold and immediate solutions to the plastic crisis?
Thanks for taking action to END plastic pollution,
Friends of the Earth