We need your help identifying the issues impacting Washington state which you care most about.
Shift Washington

We hope you are taking a moment to remember the ultimate sacrifice paid by our country’s men and women in uniform for our uniquely American rights. As always, we have you covered on what’s going on in your own backyard. Read on…
This week’s Newsmaker Interview…
Kyle Mann, the editor-in-chief of the conservative satirical website Babylon Bee, joined us for this week’s Newsmaker Interview. In his interview, Mann described how the Twitter ban before Elon Musk’s purchase increased the circulation of Babylon Bee’s material. He also shared his thoughts on Elon Musk, the liberals’ constant attack on free speech, and how he decides what issues are appropriate targets for Babylon Bee satire. Mann concluded the interview by humorously stating future plans for the website. Read more.
This week’s top story…
The mainstream media often helps Democrats by allowing them to brag to their voter base (and donors) about supporting new taxes every year. They also allow them to continue to lie, without any challenge, to the public about the taxes they raise. Consider this whopper from a progressive pro-tax leader claiming that the new state income tax on capital gains is fully funding education: “This news shows what we have said all along – we have the ability to fully fund our education system when we ask the wealthy to come to the table like the rest of us and pay what they truly owe in taxes.” Read this story and more.
In case you missed it…
We need your help identifying the issues impacting Washington state which you care most about. We’ll use the results of the survey to put together our questionnaire for candidates seeking office. Please take a moment to identify which three are the most important to you when deciding who to vote for – or write in your own top issue(s). We’ll put the results to good use! TAKE THE SURVEY
This week’s wind-down…
This Memorial Day weekend, we honor the men and women in uniform that made the ultimate sacrifice for us all. Let the eagle soar. (Photo credit: former U.S. Rep. Rod Chandler)