Folks, from Area 51 to UFO sightings, to the enigmatic early years of Las Vegas, Nevada has a certain air of mystery. 
And I like a mystery as much as the next person, but the last thing I want you to be puzzled about are my priorities in Congress.
So I’m going to make it crystal clear: These are my top priorities in Washington...
- Protect Nevada’s water supplies and combat the effects of climate change and drought on our land and communities.
- Keep the right to choose firmly in the hands of women and out of the hands of right-wing politicians.
- Resist attacks on in-person and mail voting, and guarantee that all eligible Nevadans can participate in our democracy.
- Reduce high healthcare and prescription costs, and guarantee access to medical care for rural Nevadans.
I already have two hardline Republican opponents running against me, and we all know the far-right dark-money machine will make sure they’re flush with plenty of cash.
We need to match their resources to continue the progress we’ve built for Nevadans. Will you help me stay in this fight for the long run?
Your support is what keeps this campaign going.
Susie Lee