I joined Seth Meyers to talk about this.
There are a lot of millionaires in Congress for the same reason there are a lot of tall people in the NBA—it makes it easier to get there.
Both parties like to recruit candidates who can dump hundreds of thousands, if not millions of dollars, into their own campaign.
I'll be real, that's not me. I'm a single mom of three school aged kids, who like most Americans passes on the $6 blueberries and dreads filling my minivan up with gas.
I don't need a whiteboard to explain why having millionaires be such an over represented group in Congress is bad for our country. I talked about this with Seth Meyers earlier this month, check it out.⬇️
I'm proud our campaign is funded by millions of people chipping in $10 or $20 at a time. We're building the biggest coalition of grassroots donors in this race, and I'd love for you to be a part of our team. Can you join us?
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Thanks, John!
Katie Porter