We're showing the American people that and we're growing stronger with every debate.

Bill de Blasio for President

Friend —

Last night, I vowed to tax the hell out of the super rich and put money back in the hands of working people. We now have the furthest-reaching plan for taxing extreme wealth of any candidate in this Democratic primary.

For years, we’ve watched Donald Trump pit working people against each other: black versus white, citizens versus immigrants. And why? So the wealthy and powerful can continue to hold the American Dream hostage for everyone but themselves.

We can't let them get away with it. And we aren’t — we’re working together to build a campaign that can stop them. We’re showing the American people what we’re going to do, and we’re growing stronger with every debate.

Watch me call out Donald Trump at last night’s Democratic debate now and contribute $1 to help keep building this campaign.

Watch me call out Donald Trump in last night's Democratic debate

We’re ready to unite working Americans to fight for their fair share. I know we’re a target after standing up against the top 1% and corporations on the debate stage. But if there’s one thing my experience in New York City shows, it’s that we can still get things done if we push right past the doubters and naysayers.

To beat Donald Trump, we need to be bold. We need to be the party of labor unions, we need to be the party of universal health care, and we need to be the party that is not afraid to say that we're going to tax the hell out of the wealthy. And we need to keep building this campaign.

Contribute $1 today to help keep building this campaign.

Thank you for working with us so we can put working people first in America!

Let's do this,

Bill de Blasio