LaRouchePAC Weekly № 6

A weekly roundup of news, culture, and organizing from LaRouchePAC.

Justice for President Donald Trump—and Now, Justice for Lyndon LaRouche and All Americans

“Now we have the right momentum, with the acquittal of President Trump. If we build on this, the enemy can be defeated. But we have to take the gloves off and stop the bullshit about Lyndon LaRouche. We have met with many wonderful leaders around the world over the years, but none compare to Lyn. Why does the cowardice to associate with LaRouche continue? If you reject the containment, you are free, as opposed to those who are frightened of someone looking over their shoulder, warning them to stay away from LaRouche.

“Be courageous. The acquittal marks the defeat of a great injustice, but the greatest injustice of all, is what was done to Lyn: Americans are not free until that injustice is corrected. Stick to that and the containment breaks—then there will be an avalanche." 

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Webcast with Helga Zepp-LaRouche: You Can Think Like Beethoven

Set aside the absurdity of partisan politics and ask the deeper question: What is beautiful in humanity that deserves to be celebrated, and rescued, for the generations that come after us? This Saturday afternoon, Helga Zepp-LaRouche will be giving a live webcast to address this question. As she wrote recently in her Open Letter to Germany's Classical Music Lovers: "Where else, other than in Classical music, can one strengthen and deepen the passion needed to look beyond one’s own concerns and to address the great objects of humanity?"  Watch Saturday's webcast and Q & A with Helga >>>

Implement the Artemis Moon Mission Now: It Will Heal the Nation’s Wounds

"LaRouche PAC is going to fight for full implementation of the Artemis program. It is the type of challenge and vision that can unite our population and fire the imaginations and creativity of our youth. It is a mission in which we fulfill and celebrate the nature of human beings, the gift to our species of creative thought, the ability to transform the universe—unlike the pessimism and decadence which have persisted in our society since the last great space exploration program was killed. It is the basis for cooperation with Russia, China, and India, in a grand mission to understand and develop the universe in which we all live, replacing the primitive and stupid idea of endless wars over resources and geopolitics." Read more >>>

Are you following Harley's daily updates on LPAC? Did you know he takes your live question every Tuesday?

Every weekday morning Harley gives a concise, 10 minute briefing on the latest news and how it relates to the big picture. On Tuesdays, instead of a morning briefing, Harley is live at 12:00 pm eastern on the LaRouchePAC Facebook page where you get a chance to ask him your questions on world events, history, finance, even music! Catch his updates on SoundCloud, YouTube, and live on Facebook.

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