Dear Friend,
California’s parents are facing a childcare crisis.
An 8-year-old girl’s mother begged Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) agents to take her daughter to the hospital when the girl began to experience agonizing pain. The agents ignored the Panamanian girl’s destress, and she died shortly thereafter.(1)
She was the second child to die in CBP’s custody in just two weeks. And instead of sending help, the Biden administration is sending soldiers with guns.
Thousands of asylum-seekers are in CBP custody at the southern border, and the conditions they’re experiencing are nothing less than inhumane. CBP agents are withholding food, water, and medical care, are not providing shelter, and are keeping refugees for days longer than allowed by law.(2)
This is a moral atrocity, full stop. Courage California is calling out these abhorrent practices and lobbying for an immigration bill introduced this week that treats refugees with the dignity and humanity they deserve.
Will you donate to Courage California and help call out legislators for putting corporations over people?
Will you donate to help stop the inhumane treatment of asylum-seekers at the border?
The people who are trying to come to the U.S. are leaving unimaginable poverty and violence. They are risking their lives every day to try to provide a safe and secure future for their families. But once they get here, they are treated worse than animals.
The more we learn about what is happening at the border, the worse it gets.
The National Standards on Transport, Escort, Detention, and Search policy states that CBP must supply a certain standard of care for people attempting to claim asylum.
For instance, migrants should be receiving meals and plenty of water -- instead, they are getting minimum water and a granola bar to last them the entire day.
They should be given medical care if injured or sick -- instead, there are reports of people with broken limbs, massive infections, and active miscarriages who are left to suffer with no intervention.
They should be provided bathroom facilities and shelter -- instead, there is just one port-a-potty for 400 people, and it is not serviced regularly. Moreover, they are left to burn in the hot sun without adequate cover.
CBP’s actions are violating international and national law, and we need to put every resource possible into publicizing these horrors and getting the Biden administration to devote the resources necessary to care for asylum-seekers. This is what our country was founded on, and we need to hold CBP accountable. Will you support our work?
Yes, I’ll donate to help stop this appalling treatment of asylum-seekers!
Thanks for your critical support.
–Irene, along with Angela, Annie, Isidra, Jen, Lindsay, Mai, and Scottie (and the rest of the Courage team)
PS: Courage California is fighting for equity and justice across the state and country. Will you become a monthly donor and help sustain our work?
Donations go to support all of Courage California's work for a more progressive California and country. Follow us now on Facebook or Twitter!
Footnotes: 1. 2. chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/  |