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For the first 25 years of my life, I was organized around my vote, my whiteness, and my dissension with “traditional” gender norms—but not my class. Even with $30k sitting in Wall Street from a drop-out’s college fund, no one in movement space had ever asked me, “Hey kid, got class privilege? Want to do something about it?” And I never mentioned it.
That changed in the summer of 2019 when a dear friend introduced me to Resource Generation. Lo and behold, here was a purposeful little membership community that offered some politically rigorous framing on wealth & class—and a way to move collectively as young people with wealth access/class privilege.
It was through participation in RG—organizing alongside a small & scrappy group of folks in Michigan, joining a local giving project, doing national praxis, and attending a virtual Make Money Make Change conference (MMMC) in 2020—that I moved that $30k to powerful movement spaces in Detroit. Now I redistribute 10% of my salary (or $6,500/year), 7% of which ($40/month) goes to RG as dues. I pay dues so that RG continues to exist. I pay dues so that I have a space to organize alongside other young people with wealth, to tell the story of why an economic system built on exploitation and extraction is cancerous for everyone. I pay dues so that, in 100 years, RG becomes obsolete because the generation who inherited the largest transfer of wealth in history refused to continue the cycle of hoarding.
Renew / Join RG! [[link removed]]
I joined RG staff in the spring of 2022, almost a year ago, and now build with chapters across the Midwest. This year in the Michigan chapter, where I started my journey with RG, we set a $50k fundraising goal for the Transforming Power Fund [[link removed]] and joined Fund MI Future [[link removed]] as a partner. We’re making a plan to run praxis again, building in time for rest, reflection, and transition. We’re leaning into relational organizing and deepening our own transformative fundraising skills.
My most cherished hope is that over the next 100 years, we see a profound cultural and political shift away from wealth hoarding and toward return and reciprocity on this land. When I’m 75, I want to cruise around southeastern Michigan and see bustling Black-owned local businesses, affordable housing, well-funded public schools, community gardens, green spaces, strong local transit—what we do today decides if and how we get there. We are the people of the past—we decide what is to come, together. I know RG to be a force for getting us to that vibrant and just future.
So before the Spring drive ends on May 31, renew your membership dues or join RG [[link removed]] . We live in this society together, and we can transform it together, too.
Renew / Join RG! [[link removed]]
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We encourage you to consider joining RG as a dues paying member [[link removed]] , and if you would like to get involved in your local chapter, please fill out this intake form [[link removed]] !
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Resource Generation
1216 Broadway
New York, NY 10001
United States
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