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Weekend Edition, May 27-28, 2023


The Mind Virus of the Affluent Woke Left

Paul Gottfried

Divisive Societal Collectivism Is a Primary Driver of Total Control Over the People

Gary D. Barnett

Trial by Ordeal

James Howard Kunstler

Operation Stiff Upper Lip… British Minister Rushes to Kiev Following Artyomovsk Debacle

Finian Cunningham

Why Exactly Does the Government Dump Toxic Fluoride Into ¾ of the US Water Supply?

Ben Bartee

Governor DeSantis Ban the Bioweapons or You May Become Complicit

Dr. Joseph Sansone

The Drip, Governmental Lies and US Armed Forces Recruitment

Erwin J. Haas MD MBA

The Government’s Fraud & Force

Paul Craig Roberts

Lighting a Candle to Rainbow Zeus

Austin Ruse

Filters in the Age of Information Overload

A Midwestern Doctor

Are Childhood Vaccines Safe? DTP Vaccine Was Not – and Was Given for Decades!

Igor Chudov

Why Are These Biden Officials Leaving Their Top Posts?

Moon of Alabama

Political Theatre

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