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Dear friend,

As we close out Mental Health Awareness Month, I want to remind you to put aside some time to take care of your mental health. I will continue my efforts in Congress to bring more funding and resources to critical mental health programs in our communities. Below are valuable mental health resources that you can reach out to for assistance:

Infrastructure Week 2023

This week marked the one-year anniversary of the mass shooting at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas. 


We remember the 19 children and two teachers who lost their lives that day at the hands of an assault weapon. While we've made some progress, the fact of the matter is that if kids are still dying, we are failing as lawmakers. We cannot ignore this uniquely American issue that requires an urgent and relentless response from Congress. Let's ban assault weapons. Let's institute universal background checks. Our kids deserve to be safe in school and everywhere else. 


This week, we also mourn George Floyd who was murdered three years ago. While there has been some accountability, the same systems that failed George Floyd persist today. We will continue to call for justice through peaceful and purposeful action. Because we can and must do more.

This Week in Washington

Debt Ceiling Update

I wanted to provide you with an update on what’s happening with raising the debt ceiling. As you may know already, the United States is projected to default on its debt, which has never happened before in our nation’s history, on June 5. This would be devastating to families, workers, communities, and our economy. A default on our debt would be unprecedented and would prevent America from paying its bills. That means higher mortgages, car loans, interest rates, and disruptions in Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, Veterans, and food assistance benefits. This is not the time to play politics with the full faith and credit of the United States.


Congressional leadership and the White House are still negotiating so no deal has been made yet to raise the debt ceiling. 

Floor Speech on Fentanyl Crisis

As Congress debates the best approach to combatting synthetic opioids such as fentanyl, I spoke on the House floor about my bipartisan bill with Rep. Annie Kuster of New Hampshire and Rep. Don Bacon of Nebraska, the STOP Fentanyl Overdoses Act. As the former Deputy Secretary of Health and Social Services in Delaware, my career has made me look at crises like this through a public health lens. The STOP Fentanyl Overdoses Act takes a comprehensive, public health approach to the fentanyl crisis, which was responsible for 80% of drug overdoses in Delaware in 2021, by expanding testing, data collection and analysis, and expanding treatment for opioid use disorder. You can watch my speech below:

House Votes

This week, the House voted on S.J. Res. 11. This resolution would repeal heavy-duty vehicle emission standards that the EPA set last year – and would have major implications for our health and safety. While this resolution passed the House, I voted no.


We also voted on H.J. Res 45, a resolution to rescind the Biden administration’s student debt relief executive order for low-to-middle-income student loan borrowers. It would also retroactively charge borrowers interest on their paused payments and rescind aid from public servants. In Delaware, over 133,000 borrowers would potentially be impacted if this became law. This resolution bill would jeopardize borrowers’ economic mobility and stunt America’s economic engine. I voted no. 


Earlier this year I was appointed to serve on Democratic Leader Hakeem Jeffries' Regional Leadership Council - a group of 12 members of Congress selected to help lead the implementation and communication of the transformative legislation we passed in the 117th Congress. That includes the American Rescue Plan, the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, the CHIPS and Science Act, the Inflation Reduction Act, the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act, the Honoring Our Pact Act, and more. I'm proud to be able to be leading Region 9 which covers Delaware, Maryland, Washington, DC, New Jersey, and Virginia.


With these new laws, there's funding for strengthening our economy, cutting costs for Americans, saving our planet, and more. As part of this initiative, my office is going to be hosting a series of webinars for Delawareans to learn more about these resources and grant funding opportunities. The first two webinars my office is hosting will focus on the benefits of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law and the Inflation Reduction Act. If you're interested in attending one or both webinars, please see below to register. And stay tuned for more information on additional webinars.

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Implementation Webinar


When: Monday, June 5, 2023


Time: 11:00 am - 11:45 am


To register for this webinar, click the button below.

Department of Energy (DOE) Implementation Webinar


When: Wednesday, June 7, 2023


Time: 2:00 pm - 2:45 pm


To register for this webinar, click the button below.

This week’s Constituent Corner is Senator Tom Carper. On Monday, he announced that he will be retiring from the U.S. Senate at the end of his term.


It would be impossible to even partially capture the astounding accomplishments that Senator Carper compiled in his over four decades of service to our state and nation. From serving our nation as a Naval Flight Officer in Vietnam, to getting Delaware its first AAA bond rating as our treasurer, fighting the dumping of sludge into our waterways as our Congressman, ushering in an unprecedented period of economic vitality as our Governor, and being on the frontlines of the battle against the climate crisis as our Senator - the list is as long as it is impressive.


No one put more miles in than Tom Carper. No one worked harder for Delaware than Tom Carper. And I’m thrilled that he’ll now get to spend more time with Martha and his wonderful sons. After all, I know that the titles of husband and father have always meant more to him than Senator. 


To me, this is Tom Carper’s legacy. That he deeply loved our state of neighbors. That he worked tirelessly every single day to make it a better place. And that in his endeavor, he succeeded. Thank you, Senator Carper.

Above: Rep. Lisa Blunt Rochester and Senator Tom Carper.

Finally, as we approach Memorial Day, I am hopeful that you will join me in remembering all who gave their last full measure of devotion to our great nation. They fought valiantly for our values, our principles, and our freedoms. It’s because of their selflessness, service, and sacrifice that our state and nation are safer and stronger. It’s only right that we do all we can to uphold their legacies. Because as President Biden says, it is our sacred obligation to do so.

Above: Rep. Lisa Blunt Rochester looks at the Memorial Wall at the Veterans Memorial Park that bears the names of those from Delaware and New Jersey who died in World War II or the Korean War. 

Yours in service,

Rep. Lisa Blunt Rochester signature image

Rep. Lisa Blunt Rochester

Member of Congress

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Washington, DC 20515
Phone: (202) 225-4165

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Phone: (302) 830-2330

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Phone: (302) 858-4773