YOUR SIGNATURE IS NEEDED: A dead grizzly bear was just found brutally murdered near Yellowstone. SAVE innocent bears from being slaughtered: Take action now!

As a grizzly bear, you don’t understand the concept of state borders or the politics of your species' protections. Your only priority is survival and the survival of your baby cubs who are relying on you to scrounge for food to keep them nourished until they are strong enough to survive on their own.

You leave your cubs asleep in the den in search of food. You pick up the scent of a potential meal and follow it, having no idea that you’ve crossed outside of Yellowstone -- and that outside of the park, Wyoming permits the brutal hunting of bears like you…

You’re frightened of humans, but the coast seems to be clear. You carry along your way, following the smell. Ahh, here it is! You’re tempted to gobble it all up, but you know you need to feed your cubs. Okay, maybe just a small bite… but as you reach for the yummy treat -- *CLAMP* --  a powerful metal contraption crushes its metal teeth around your paw, and you scream out in excruciating pain as it pierces your fur and blood pours out. You cannot move. Soon, the trophy hunters who set this cruel bait and trap will come to finish killing you and bring your dead body back as a souvenir. You think of your babies, alone and scared. Without you, your orphaned cubs will likely DIE OF STARVATION or HYPOTHERMIA.

Friend, ruthless trophy hunters are BRUTALLY MURDERING innocent grizzly bears like this right now, and we’re running out time to SAVE these precious animals. Won’t you speak up today and be a voice for defenseless bears and bear cubs before it’s too late? Add your name now! >>

The Trump administration tried to gut the Endangered Species Act and even succeeded in removing life-saving protections for grizzly bears. Today, it’s still completely LEGAL for vicious trophy hunters to indiscriminately MURDER these beloved native mammals, including harmless bear cubs asleep in their dens!

In the states bordering Yellowstone (Idaho, Montana, and Wyoming), bears lack the necessary protections keeping them safe from merciless hunters, so innocent grizzlies are being SLAUGHTERED in droves: like the poor helpless bear found violently killed a few weeks ago, only 14 miles outside of Yellowstone.

But the GOP isn’t stopping there. Extremist Republican lawmakers like Lauren Boebert are actively proposing bills that would strip away ESA protections even further, leaving vulnerable animals like grizzly bears and gray wolves -- along with their cubs and pups -- at high risk of being MASSACRED by cruel trophy hunters. 

We know you’d be heartbroken if these iconic species went extinct, Friend. That’s why we’re calling on YOU and other activists from your area to help STOP brutal trophy hunting of innocent animals. Your signature is urgently needed to DEMAND federal protections of grizzly bears -- SIGN NOW >>

Thanks for your activism.
Friends of the Earth
