Two CFT members honored with 2023 community college classified employee of the year awards
This week, as we celebrated Classified School Employee Week, the California Community Colleges Board of Governors honored five classified professionals who provide outstanding service supporting students up and down the state with the 2023 Classified Employee of the Year Awards.
Included in those honored were Nino Shtromberg, a member of AFT Guild, Local 1931, and Starla Thomas, a member of Long Beach Council of Classified Employees, Local 6108.
Nino Shtromberg has served as a lifeline to Los Angeles Community College District students for the past six years through her role as a CalWORKs coordinator. Shtromberg breaks down persistent systemic barriers for CalWORKs students by collaborating with various on and off-campus programs/departments and taking a part in different student success task force/initiatives to ensure the students accomplish their educational goal in an equitable environment.
Starla Thomas has served students at Long Beach City College (LBCC) for the past five years as a career and technical education coordinator. In her role, she has been instrumental in implementing the Strong Workforce Grant by recruiting career education faculty to apply for awards to improve student success rates.
Congratulations Starla and Nino! To read more about their award, click here.
And as we close out our week celebrating classified workers, make sure to watch this message of gratitude from CFT President Jeff Freitas.
CFT members take part in joint AFT/APALA virtual town hall
In honor of Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander Heritage Month, the AFT and the Asian Pacific American Labor Alliance hosted a “Politics of Hate, Labor of Love” virtual town hall on May 24. The event featured panelists who used the moment to lift up the histories, cultures and contributions of AANHPI people and discuss issues facing the community as well as ways to combat anti-Asian hate.
Included in the panel were UTLA Secretary Arlene Inouye and UCLA Labor Center Director Kent Wong. Read more about their contributions to this important discussion on the AFT website.
AdFac victory means majority of CFT part-time faculty have won healthcare coverage
After several months of escalating activism and shrewd negotiations, powered by hundreds of members, Adjunct Faculty United (AFT Local 6106, or “AdFac”) is now the tenth CFT local to win healthcare for part-time faculty, following our successful campaign last year to win $200 million in ongoing funding from the state.
AdFac sets a new bar statewide with this victory by winning the first agreement with a district that moves from no direct healthcare coverage for part-time faculty to full healthcare parity with their full-time counterparts.
Other highlights of the agreement include ongoing stipends for non qualifying part-timers, and a monthly workgroup with management to advance implementation.
This agreement also marks a major tipping point for CFT’s Part-time Faculty Campaign, as a majority of part-time faculty represented by CFT now work in districts that offer healthcare for part-time faculty.
Congratulations on your victory AdFAc. Fantastic job organizing!
Make sure it's union-made this Memorial Day!
We hope you have a safe and restful holiday weekend. If you’re headed for the store, don’t forget to buy union-made.