New Dem Leadership & Veterans Hold Media Availability on Debt Ceiling Negotiations and Impact Default Would Have on Service Members

Yesterday, New Democrat Coalition Chair Annie Kuster (NH-02), NDC Vice Chairs Brad Schneider (IL-10) and Sharice Davids (KS-03), and NDC Veteran Members Reps. Don Davis (NC-01) and Pat Ryan (NY-19) held a press conference on the current state of debt ceiling negotiations and the impact a default would have on America’s Veterans ahead of Memorial Day.

With the June 1st deadline to raise the debt ceiling rapidly approaching, Members implored Speaker McCarthy to keep Congress in session until a bipartisan agreement is reached that can receive support from Members in both parties in both chambers. 
New Dems Welcome Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell to Weekly Member Lunch

Yesterday, New Dems welcomed U.S. Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell to our weekly Member lunch to discuss the Fed's work to uphold its dual mandate of maximum employment and stable prices in a challenging economic environment. 
New Dem Health Care, Substance Use, and Mental Health Task Force Holds Meeting on Combating Opioid Overdoses

This week, the Vice Chairs of the New Dem Health Care, Substance Use, and Mental Health Task Force, Dr. Yadira Caraveo (CO-08) and Brittany Pettersen (CO-07), welcomed representatives from Emergent BioSolutions and the SAFE Product for a dialogue about the recent FDA approval of NARCAN as an over-the-counter treatment for opioid overdoses.

They were joined by Reps. Deborah Ross (NC-02), Donald Norcross (NJ-01), and Madeleine Dean (PA-04) for a robust conversation about expanding access to potentially lifesaving opioid overdose reversal medication for at-risk individuals, their families, and communities.

New Dems Host Interagency Briefing with White House on Border Security
New Democrat Coalition Immigration and Border Security Task Force, led by Chair Greg Stanton (AZ-04) and Vice Chairs Lou Correa (CA-46) and Salud Carbajal (CA-24), hosted an interagency briefing with the White House focused on the administration’s efforts at the southern border following the expiration of Title 42 earlier this month. 

New Dems Call for Immediate Bipartisan Action to Prevent Default, Implore House GOP to Continue Negotiations
New Democrat Coalition Chair Annie Kuster (NH-02) released a statement after Speaker McCarthy decided to adjourn the House for Memorial Day weekend without an agreement on the debt ceiling. 

New Dems Announce Permitting Reform Priorities for Efficient Energy Deployment to Lower Costs, Enhance Energy Independence, and Combat the Climate Crisis

Last week, the New Democrat Coalition Climate Change and Clean Energy Task Force, led by Chair Scott Peters (CA-50) and Vice Chairs Sean Casten (IL-06), Eric Sorensen (IL-17), and Susan Wild (PA-07), endorsed six key priorities for bipartisan permitting reform legislation. These priorities will enhance the U.S.’ energy independence, lower energy prices, and accelerate the transition to a clean economy. 

The Coalition’s key priorities include: expanding existing best practices, reforming transmission processes for electricity, enhancing energy resiliency and independence, ensuring transparency and environmental justice in the environmental review process, improving environmental review efficiency, and securing critical minerals. 

Rep. Steven Horsford (NV-04) released a video calling for safer communities and better policing to mark three years since the murder of George Floyd. 
Rep. Hillary Scholten (MI-03) welcomed her constituent Michael Hyacinthe to testify at a Small Business Committee hearing on supporting veteran owned small businesses. Michael, founder of Wimage LLC, is a successful business owner and veteran who is showing other service members what’s possible when they return home.
Rep. Lucy McBath (GA-07) penned an op-ed for The Hill on her bipartisan legislation to lower the cost of formula for parents across America by increasing transparency and encouraging competition in the marketplace. 
Rep. Shontel Brown (OH-11) refuted Republican claims at a recent Oversight Committee Hearing that the Biden Administration is trying to ban gas stoves. 

Pappas’s Bipartisan Legislation to Increase Veterans’ Benefits Passes House
Rep. Chris Pappas’s (NH-01) Veterans Compensation Cost-of-Living Adjustment Act passed the House this week in a unanimous vote. H.R. 1529 increases VA benefits to match economic trends and cost-of-living and will now be sent to President Biden’s desk for his signature.

Trahan’s Bipartisan Legislation to Increase Community Health Center Funding Advances Out of Committee 
Rep. Lori Trahan (MA-03)’s Supporting Patients, Health Care Workers, Community Health Centers, and Hospitals Act passed out of the Energy and Commerce Committee. H.R. 2559 increases federal funding for Community Health Centers and Teaching Health Centers. The legislation now moves to the House floor for a vote. 

Ivey Introduces Bipartisan Bill to Combat Theft of ATMs 
Rep. Glenn Ivey (MD-04) introduced H.R. 3398, the Safe Access to Cash Act. This bipartisan legislation makes it a federal crime to steal ATMs from convenience stores, groceries and other non-traditional financial institutions. This legislation strengthens enforcement to protect those who service, patronize, and own these machines–– helping safeguard access to ATMs where brick-and-mortar banks are few and far between.

McBath Introduces Bicameral Legislation to End Corporal Punishment in Schools
Rep. Lucy McBath (GA-07) introduced H.R. 3596, the Protecting Our Students in Schools Act of 2023. This bicameral legislation prohibits the practice of corporal punishment in any school that receives federal funding, establishes a series of important protections for students and families, and creates a federal grant program for states and school districts to improve school climate and culture. 

Pappas Reintroduces Bipartisan Legislation to Crack Down on Dark Web Drug Trafficking
Rep. Chris Pappas (NH-01) reintroduced H.R. 3587, the Dark Web Interdiction Act to target international fentanyl trafficking through the dark web. This bipartisan legislation strengthens penalties on drug dealers trafficking illegal drugs through the dark web and makes the Joint Criminal Opioid and Darknet Enforcement (J-CODE) task force permanent.

Phillips Introduces Bipartisan, Bicameral Legislation to Support Surviving Families of Deceased Military Servicemembers
Rep. Dean Phillips (MN-03) introduced H.R. 3651, the Love Lives On Act. This bipartisan legislation allows spouses of deceased military service members to retain survivor benefits upon remarriage. Phillips lost his birth father, U.S. Army Capt. Artie Pfefer, in the Vietnam War. 

Torres Reintroduces Wildfire Grid Resiliency Act
Rep. Norma Torres (CA-35) reintroduced H.R. 3615, the Wildfire Grid Resiliency Act. This legislation allocates $10,000,000 for the Department of Energy (DOE) to develop technologies to mitigate wildfire-related electrical grid damage. The legislation authorizes the Secretary of Energy to provide grants to the DOE National Laboratories for projects to protect power grids from fire damage, monitor vegetation management, and protect first responders.

Rep. Eric Sorensen (IL-17) took to the House floor to highlight the personal impact that a U.S. debt default would have on his constituents. He urged Republicans to remain in Washington and work with Democrats to prevent an economic catastrophe.
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