Pappas’s Bipartisan Legislation to Increase Veterans’ Benefits Passes House
Rep. Chris Pappas’s (NH-01) Veterans Compensation Cost-of-Living Adjustment Act passed the House this week in a unanimous vote. H.R. 1529 increases VA benefits to match economic trends and cost-of-living and will now be sent to President Biden’s desk for his signature.
Trahan’s Bipartisan Legislation to Increase Community Health Center Funding Advances Out of Committee
Rep. Lori Trahan (MA-03)’s Supporting Patients, Health Care Workers, Community Health Centers, and Hospitals Act passed out of the Energy and Commerce Committee. H.R. 2559 increases federal funding for Community Health Centers and Teaching Health Centers. The legislation now moves to the House floor for a vote.
Ivey Introduces Bipartisan Bill to Combat Theft of ATMs
Rep. Glenn Ivey (MD-04) introduced H.R. 3398, the Safe Access to Cash Act. This bipartisan legislation makes it a federal crime to steal ATMs from convenience stores, groceries and other non-traditional financial institutions. This legislation strengthens enforcement to protect those who service, patronize, and own these machines–– helping safeguard access to ATMs where brick-and-mortar banks are few and far between.
McBath Introduces Bicameral Legislation to End Corporal Punishment in Schools
Rep. Lucy McBath (GA-07) introduced H.R. 3596, the Protecting Our Students in Schools Act of 2023. This bicameral legislation prohibits the practice of corporal punishment in any school that receives federal funding, establishes a series of important protections for students and families, and creates a federal grant program for states and school districts to improve school climate and culture.
Pappas Reintroduces Bipartisan Legislation to Crack Down on Dark Web Drug Trafficking
Rep. Chris Pappas (NH-01) reintroduced H.R. 3587, the Dark Web Interdiction Act to target international fentanyl trafficking through the dark web. This bipartisan legislation strengthens penalties on drug dealers trafficking illegal drugs through the dark web and makes the Joint Criminal Opioid and Darknet Enforcement (J-CODE) task force permanent.
Phillips Introduces Bipartisan, Bicameral Legislation to Support Surviving Families of Deceased Military Servicemembers
Rep. Dean Phillips (MN-03) introduced H.R. 3651, the Love Lives On Act. This bipartisan legislation allows spouses of deceased military service members to retain survivor benefits upon remarriage. Phillips lost his birth father, U.S. Army Capt. Artie Pfefer, in the Vietnam War.
Torres Reintroduces Wildfire Grid Resiliency Act
Rep. Norma Torres (CA-35) reintroduced H.R. 3615, the Wildfire Grid Resiliency Act. This legislation allocates $10,000,000 for the Department of Energy (DOE) to develop technologies to mitigate wildfire-related electrical grid damage. The legislation authorizes the Secretary of Energy to provide grants to the DOE National Laboratories for projects to protect power grids from fire damage, monitor vegetation management, and protect first responders.