I wanted to remind you of the important petition we launched to demand that Target removes their Pride collection, which includes transgender and LGBTQ accessories, books, and clothes for kids and even babies. This is an attack on parents and on Christian values, intended to indoctrinate children and families in the transgender cult starting from the cradle.
Join thousands of people who have already taken a stand against Target's grooming of children for the LGBTQ agenda.
Thank you for your support in protecting our children from this devastating propaganda and grooming.
Sincerely, Owen Stevens and the entire CitizenGO Team P.S. If you have already signed, please share the petition with your friends. Here's the email we sent you earlier on this:
 This petition demands Target cancel their LGBTQ product line for kids, which includes transgender rhetoric in books and on clothing and promotes harmful lifestyles to children. The items in Target's "Pride" collection are not appropriate for children, and Target's actions are grooming children for the LGBTQ lobby. Join the thousands of concerned parents and citizens who have already signed the petition demanding that Target remove their LGBTQ product line for kids and recall these items. SIGN THE PETITION |
Dear John,
It's hard to believe, but Target just released a new collection of transgender and LGBTQ accessories, books, and clothes for kids and even babies. This is an attack on parents and on Christian values, intended to indoctrinate children and families in the transgender cult starting from the cradle. Their latest "Pride" collection includes a t-shirt with the words “Queer Queer Queer Queer,” and a t-shirt that reads, “Homophobia. Transphobia. Can be cured with education.” Every item is designed to be cutesy, intended to make the message appealing to children, though nothing can make the cover of the book “The Hips on the Drag Queen go Swish, Swish, Swish” cute or appropriate. Target is grooming children for the LGBTQ lobby. I know that you don't want to see children ensnared in this harmful lifestyle, one which leads to puberty blockers, long term health issues, and depression.
Sign the petition: Join the thousands of people who have already signed the petition demanding that Target remove their Pride collection and recall these items.
Target is pushing their propaganda on innocent children and grooming them to join the perverted LGBTQ sexual movement. The children’s items feature phrases like “Bien Proud” and “Just Be You And Feel The Love,” plus rainbow-colored leggings, tutu skirts, and jumpers. The product line also includes books glorifying homosexual and transgender figures, and “baby propaganda” books with titles like “The Pronoun Book” or “Bye Bye, Binary.” Target's decision to peddle LGBTQ propaganda in books, clothing, and accessories is an attempt to manipulate and exploit children for the radical left's agenda… no matter the cost Rates of suicide are nearly twenty times greater among adults who use cross-sex hormones and undergo sex reassignment surgery, and the full effects on children have barely even been studied. And it all starts with indoctrination just like this. Will you fight back?
Sign this petition to demand that Target remove this pride collection and recall these items or face a boycott from the American consumers.
Generation Z is now entirely in high school and beyond, and the damage caused by being targeted by radical LGBTQ companies is horrifying. Depression, anxiety, and suicide rates are the highest ever in kids in the U.S.A. 7-8% of adolescents attempt suicide each year, and roughly 17% report serious suicidal ideation. We have already seen the devastating effects the Transgender agenda is having on Generation Z, and now the LGBTQ lobby is going harder than ever before at the newest, younger generation. Shockingly, over 16% of Generation Z identifies as LGBTQ. Target is participating in the great delusion being pushed on our children, which leads to hormones and puberty blockers, biologically disturbing hormone injections, and the most devastating effect, sex change surgeries that mutilate children and cut apart their sex organs. The left has been grooming these kids exactly for this.
We need your help to make a difference. Please sign this petition to demand that Target remove this pride collection and recall these items or face a boycott. We cannot let Target continue to indoctrinate children for the LGBTQ Lobby with their woke ideology. Thank you for your support. Owen Stevens and the entire CitizenGO Team P.S. We still have time to reverse this horrid trend. If we can put enough pressure in the right places, then we can reverse this cultural alter to sexually perverse ideologies. Visit your nearest Target store and speak to the store manager to express your concerns about Target's grooming of young people. Let them know that you will not stand for this indoctrination and propaganda. We need to take action now before it's too late. We need to stand up for our values and protect our children from this devastating propaganda and grooming. Join us in taking a stand against Target's indoctrination of children with their LGBTQ propaganda.