Hi again, John. I'm following up to make sure that you saw my email about marking one year since the Uvalde shooting.

I'm sick and tired of the gun violence that's tearing our communities apart – especially when we know there's a way to end this horrific cycle. The team at Brady is fighting every single day to win the leaders and the legislation that will finally stop tragedies like the ones at Uvalde, Pulse Nightclub, and Sandy Hook.

But they cannot win this fight alone. And that brings me to the third reason why I've committed myself to supporting Brady's work: Each of us has a part to play in this fight. To defeat the gun lobby, Brady needs all of us to get off the bench and onto the field. That's why I'm asking you one last time to join me in supporting Brady by raising your voice to demand change. Please, will you respond to their live poll now?

Should Congress ban assault weapons?

Thank you,

Bradley Whitford

------- Forwarded message -------
From: Bradley Whitford
Date: Wed, May 24, 2023
Subject: Join me in remembering the victims from Uvalde