We all know you cannot trust Washington state’s mainstream media outlets to fairly cover conservatives running for political office.
Shift Washington

We all know you cannot trust Washington state’s mainstream media outlets to fairly cover conservatives running for political office. Local reporters have proved time and time again how comfortable they are operating as a communications arm of the Democrat Party. They have little interest in seeking the balance that voters care about. Instead, mainstream media outlets seem to do what they can to make Democrats look their best – even omitting key facts from stories.
That’s why we here at Shift WA are on a mission to put together a voters’ guide based on candidates answering questions people like you want asked. 
We need your help identifying the issues impacting Washington state which you care most about. We’ll use the results of the survey to put together our questionnaire for candidates seeking office. 
Please consider the issues below which have been in the news, and identify which three are the most important to you when deciding who to vote for  – or write in your own top issue(s). Just take a moment to review the following topics – and we’ll put the results to good use!
  • Allow police pursuits for car theft
  • Repeal the law allowing the state to hide minor children from parents when transgender or abortion issues are claimed
  • Repeal the long-term care tax
  • Make hard drugs a felony again 
  • Provide tax relief (through reducing property, sales, or other general taxes)
  • Eliminate the state income tax on capital gains
  • Reverse state laws which eliminated local zoning rules, to allow multi-family housing in residential neighborhoods
  • Reform the state’s “emergency powers” laws 
  • Repeal the cap-and-trade program
  • Clean up homeless camps on state property
  • Other:____________________________________________________
Thank you,
The Shift WA Team