My plan will get it done.
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Mike Bloomberg 2020

As Americans, we owe a great debt to the men and women who are veterans of our armed services. President Trump promised to honor them -- but he has broken that promise, like he has so many others. The reality is, he has done nothing to fix what's broken in the VA or provide our veterans with the support and resources they need. As president, I will change that.

That's why, yesterday, I released more of my plan to ensure economic security, quality health care, and other support opportunities for veterans. This includes:

  • Combating homelessness and suicide
  • Providing veterans with the skills they need to fill critical jobs
  • Creating a pathway to success in business and in the corporate world.
  • Creating a more diverse fighting force from top to bottom, by facilitating military-career advancement for women, immigrants, and members of the LGBTQ+ community.

I hope you'll add your name in support of my plan to support veterans and their families by providing the resources they need to succeed in and out of uniform.

The plan I released yesterday builds off of the commitment I made to veterans last month when I released a number of policies that will help veterans manage their transition to the civilian workforce -- by providing training, working with them to find good-paying jobs that take advantage of the skills they've acquired in the military, and helping entrepreneurs get their businesses off the ground.

Our veterans have answered the call of duty time and again. They've won world wars, helped to spread and defend democracy around the globe, and kept us free and safe. Our service members in uniform today continue this tradition. That so many feel marginalized, undervalued -- or worse, forgotten altogether -- is one of our great failures as a country. It's time to right that wrong once and for all.

Please, add your name today.

Thank you for your support -- and for being a part of Team Bloomberg,

Mike Bloomberg



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