

Last night, we saw exactly why we must not let the Democrats win this fall.


With the party centering around Bernie Sanders’ socialist philosophy, there is not a single Democrat running for president that we can trust to run our government.


If Bernie and the radical left get their way, our taxes will skyrocket, our private healthcare system will be dissolved, and our southern border will be left completely defenseless.


To make matters worse, the results of these policies will bankrupt our economy and cost our taxpayers’ trillions of dollars. The price tag of the Sanders Socialist Agenda is simply too expensive for our country to buy into.


If we’re going to stop this socialist plot from succeeding, we need a leader who will stand beside President Trump and be unafraid to speak the truth. 


I’m running for Congress because I’m unwilling to let the greatest country in the history of the world be hijacked by the radical left. 


Will you join my team today and donate $20 or more?



We cannot afford to let the Democrats take back the White House this fall and undo all of our hard work. Can we count on you to help me Keep America Great by donating $20 right now?


The Democrats aren’t afraid to show the country where they stand and neither should we.


- Chris


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