Dear Supporter,

When I last shared with you, I was excited about the multiple endorsements received by my campaign. Well, guess what?...That wasn't the end of it! Since then, my campaign has humbly earned EVEN MORE ENDORSEMENTS. Here's a listing of the latest:

Our campaign is doing well, but I still need your help. You may have recently heard about the apparent Republican interference by the Faith and Power PAC with a $1.6 million ad-buy in the Democratic Senate Primary here in North Carolina. Please be aware that the Erica For US campaign disavows and disassociates ourselves from this entity as I have not authorized them to represent my views or positions in any media format.  In addition:


I took the pledge to not accept corporate-PAC donations, nor the assistance of corporate-funded PACs, but please realize my campaign still needs money to operate for success. Please contribute to my campaign because I want to raise money the right way to fund my message, activities, and advertising. My leadership in honoring this commitment in full should catalyze a movement in North Carolina toward more fair and free elections. I urge all candidates running for office, regardless of party affiliation or position on the ballot, to reject corporate PAC donations. Every citizen of North Carolina deserves an equal vote that is not tainted by corporate interests. Donate to help me defend my campaign!




I have spent every single day of the last year campaigning, talking to the voters across the state. I have been astronomically outraised by my primary opponent who has attempted to unfairly mute the voices of North Carolina's voters with DC influence and a Corporate-funded SuperPAC. With your donation, you are ensuring that the voices of North Carolinians will be heard loud and clear in support of my campaign. Our victory will be on the strength of our shoe leather and our inclusive and expanded vision as we drive to flip the US Senate in 2020. Please contribute today. Give as much as you can!

I remain unbought, unbossed, and unapologetic in my 17 years of advocating for the people and not the plutocracy.



{{Authorized and Paid for by Erica for US .}}

{{Erica For US  P.O. Box 1236 Gaston, North Carolina 27832}}