No images? Click here Dear John, We wanted to share some updates from our partners, the People’s Health Movement (PHM), at this week’s World Health Assembly. The World Health Organisation (WHO) is the largest public health body. This week is the 75th World Health Assembly, where countries meet to decide the organisation’s direction in leadership, policy and finance. PHM runs the “WHO Watch” – dedicated to monitoring and reporting on the Assembly, bringing vital transparency and accountability to the process. If you follow the link above, you'll find WHO Watch's daily briefings. Here are a few things we thought you’d be especially interested in! To start, PHM warns that opportunities are being created for private sector investments in the WHO.
Additionally, PHM argues that members not doing enough towards securing public healthcare. Highlighting concerns with a growing favouring of models of healthcare provision that use private or insurance-based models.
![]() Finally, PHM lists some policies they wish to see; one especially stuck out to us. “Affordable access to all essential health commodities”. Believing that countries’ must be supported to obtain affordable health essentials. We need to create an economic system that enables everyone to access essential medicines. Our #sharethescience campaign exposes the consequences of patents on the Covid-19 vaccine. Governments must be given the freedom to produce essential medicine affordably, and not be limited by private companies who wish to guard their profits. We are proud to be part of the People’s Health Movement – and to be part of the struggle for health justice. In solidarity, Natalie Sharples, |