FBI notes
detail agents obtaining James Comey's memos during visit to his home
Washington Examiner
specific contents of these memos weren't disclosed in the documents
obtained by conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch through a Freedom of
Information Act lawsuit, but some of their dates align with those that have
been disclosed already, including one documenting Comey's final
conversation with Trump before being fired on May 9, 2017.
@JudicialWatch Uncovers FBI Docs
Showing Comey Had @RealDonaldTrump FBI Files in His House -- Doesn't Tell
the FBI Agents He Leaked Them! Will Comey face justice? Major discussion on
@seanhannity tonight at 9 pm!
6:17 PM 31 Jul 2019
Ilhan Omar has a major ethics
problem and ought to face a serious criminal investigation. @JudicialWatch
steps up.
11:03 PM 30 Jul 2019