Who will you choose

Your answers to our CANDIDATE BALLOT will help us recruit the finest candidates who’ll destroy the LIBERAL LIES and RECLAIM Black America from the Democrat Party.

Dear John,

Thanks to your efforts, voters did something that hasn’t been done in over a hundred years...

They elected the largest number of Black Republicans to Congress!

Wesley Hunt and John James
Wesley Hunt (Left) and John James (Right) take a photo together following their historic elections to Congress.

Not surprisingly, the liberal media did everything it could to hide this fact from the public.

Their method? Simply ignore it.

And in those rare cases where they did report it, it wasn’t more than a mere footnote.

Take the historic elections of John James and Wesley Hunt - the first black graduates of West Point to enter Congress.

The left-wing media virtually ignored their races, not wanting to face the reality that maybe... just maybe... Black Americans would elect two Black REPUBLICANS to Congress, putting a large crack in the Liberal Lie that all Republicans are racists.

And that’s exactly what happened.

Both men defeated their Democrat opponents and have joined fellow Black Conservatives Byron Donalds, Burgess Owens, and Tim Scott in dismantling the Democrat’s stranglehold over black voters.

It’s a stranglehold as old as the party itself - one that Democrats can’t afford to let go of. That’s why they’ve doubled down on their lies about Republicans.

They know this one truth... that if Republicans gain as much as 12% of the black vote, it will be mathematically impossible for them to win another election.

  • It’s why media hacks like “Joyless” Reid from MSNBC attack honorable men like Justice Clarence Thomas by calling him hateful names like "Uncle Clarence."
  • It’s why soulless Marxists like Joy Behar from The View say stupid things, like Senator Tim Scott doesn’t understand what systemic racism is.
  • It’s why Democrats in Congress won’t let principled Black Conservatives, like Representative Byron Donalds, join the Congressional Black Caucus.
  • It’s why a left-wing member of a Florida school board referred to Black Conservatives as “token.”
  • It’s why commie professors say Virginia Lt. Governor and U.S. Marine, Winsome Sears, spreads white supremacist messages by “ventriloquist effect.”
  • And it’s why the Detroit School Board voted to remove Dr. Ben Carson’s name from a local high school.

They’ll do anything to keep Black Americans in the dark about this one truth:

That the Republican Party IS the party of Black America!

And with the largest number of Black Republicans in Congress in more than a hundred years, we have the momentum behind us to grow our coalition!

Your help was key to launching our Draft John James campaign in Michigan and was a Godsend when we put up billboards for Wesley Hunt in Texas.

And now, John, I must ask if you’ll help Black America’s PAC recruit more Black Conservatives to run for Congress by completing this CANDIDATE BALLOT.

Click here to complete the CANDIDATE BALLOT!

As part of our due diligence, we ask potential candidates to answer a series of questions about their policy positions to qualify for Black America’s PAC’s support.

Your answers to this ballot and will make it possible for Black America’s PAC to recruit more solid Black Conservatives for office who’ll destroy the LIBERAL LIES that all Republicans are racists.

It will also let me know which presidential candidate you think has the best chance of bringing more Black Americans to the Republican Party.

And after you’ve completed it, I must ask you to do one more thing...

Black America’s PAC is a grassroots effort to recruit principled Black Conservatives for office who’ll roll back the LIBERAL LIES.

However, unlike the Left, which gets tens of millions of dollars from deep-pocket libs to spread their hate, we rely on the generosity and patriotism of good people like you who concerned about the direction our country is headed.

We can’t let the Democrats do anymore damage to our country than they’ve already done. And the only way to do that is to deny them the chance to win another election by getting at least 12% of Black Americans to cast their votes for Republicans.

So, after you’ve written your responses to our CANDIDATE BALLOT, will you chip in an URGENT gift of $28, $40, $75, $250, $500, $1,000 or more?

When you send your gift to Black America’s PAC, you’re sending it to an organization that’s responsible for helping elect Black Conservatives like Lt. Governor Winsome Sears of Virginia, Senator Tim Scott of South Carolina, and Representatives Burgess Owens (UT), Byron Donalds (FL), Wesley Hunt (TX), and John James (MI).

John, we must start raising money now to keep up with the millions that the Democrats will receive during the new election cycle.

They’re publishing their lies to black voters across the country, which is why you MUST stand shoulder to shoulder with Black America’s PAC. Your generous gift will do three key things:

  • EXPOSE the Liberal Lies to the entire nation.
  • RECLAIM Black voters to the Republican Party.
  • END the Democrats' death-grip on the Black Community.

As you help Black America’s PAC recruit the next generation of Black Conservative leaders, you’ll help put an end to the Democrat’s stranglehold on Black America and ensure that Democrats never win another election.

Alvin Williams

For America,

Alvin Williams signature

Alvin Williams
President & CEO


P.S. Please play a key role in helping us recruit the next generation of Black Conservatives for the next election cycle by writing your answers on the CANDIDATE BALLOT. Your input will be key to helping us plot the course to victory during the next election cycle. And after you’ve shared your responses, please chip in $28, $40, $75, $250, $500, $1,000 or more to help elect more Black Conservatives to office.

God Bless!

© 2023 Black America's PAC
Paid for by Black America's PAC. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. Contributions are not tax deductible for income tax purposes. Federal law requires us to use our best efforts to collect and report the name, mailing address, occupation and name of employer of individuals whose contributions exceed $200 in a calendar year.


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